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12 Key Benefits of eCommerce Website For Your Business

Confused about taking your business online?

Not sure if an eCommerce website is the right path for your business’s growth?

Well, then this read is just for you.

Learn about the advantages of e-commerce from different perspectives and open the doors of your business to the new world of digital possibilities.

Build your eCommerce business the way you want with advanced web design tools.

It’s time to start your business transformation journey.

Let us first begin with a proper understanding of the business models that are available in eCommerce.

4 Types of eCommerce Business Models

Now, what actually is an E-commerce business model?

An eCommerce business model is a company’s blueprint to profit.

It should give a complete outline of a business’s initial costs, source of financing, target customers, marketing strategies, competition, revenue and expenses.

A successful business model should place competitiveness and sustainability at its centre.

Here, we do not delve into the deeper aspects of business models. Instead, we cover them at a basic level for your understanding.

B2C (Business-to-Consumer)

When you sell your product or service directly to your customers, it falls under the B2C model eCommerce. Household supplies, clothing, and entertainment usually falls under this category.

In this model a business approaches a customer directly on the Internet.

In physical stores the manufacturers sell their goods to retailers and then the retailers add a markup price. This markup is their profit.

In a B2C interaction this is cut short. A manufacturer or seller is reaching out directly to the customer.

Hence the customer base is bigger and the deal is profitable without middlemen.

However, in this model the sellers have more work to do. One, they need to consider the customer.

Second, an effective mechanism to address customer grievances has to be in place.

B2B (Business-to-Business)

In a B-to-B model transactions happen between two businesses. It could come in many combinations.

For example, it could be between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or between a wholesaler and a retailer.

It even includes the transactions between a government and a company.

Often the B2B model happens between manufacturers and raw material sellers. A car manufacturer and spare parts seller have a B2B interaction.

Similarly property management agencies, housekeeping and industrial cleanup companies, etc. show this kind of interaction.

If you look at the statistics, in 2021 millennials constituted 60% of B2B buyers.

So a new generation of entrepreneurs is already driving B2B eCommerce.

The internet provides the right environment for businesses to find each other.

Company websites help a business learn about the products and services they offer.

It even allows clients to directly approach a business through specialised online directories.

The bottomline is that a website here acts as the basic point of contact.

C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)

In a C-to-C interaction one customer buys goods from another customer with the aid of a third-party platform or business.

With the advent of new eCommerce technologies and the relaxation of trade norms between countries, C2C businesses are growing like never before.

One such example is Craigslist, which is an e-commerce platform that connects other customers who are advertising services, products or situations.

Etsy is totally a different kind of C2C platform that allows company owners to create custom websites.

It offers guidance and tools for growing their business, helps in the product listing and answers customer queries efficiently.

So a C2C model of business is ideal for businesses which target specific niches and want to attract certain types of customers.

C2B (Consumer-to-Business)

In this business model, the consumer sells products or services to a company.

Usually, this is best if you are planning to launch a platform for consumers and businesses to interact.

Freelance programmers, digital marketing experts, and artists. can sell skills to the right business with this model. Competitive pricing is key to success in this model.

12 Advantages of eCommerce Websites

Now that you have understood the different business models. It is time to take a dive into the immense benefits that an eCommerce website offers to your business.

We will be looking at some unseen benefits at the end of the section to study the environmental impact of eCommerce today.

1. Easy to Start

Starting a business online is easy compared to traditional business channels. The capital and infrastructure are minimal for starting an eCommerce website.

And if you are planning to experiment first, there are many free eCommerce website builders you can try out, such as Wix, Weebly, and BigCommerce.

Once you launch your store, you can draw many insights about the possibility of a digital platform for your business.

Using customer-experience data, reviews, and online marketing channels, you can leverage the full expanse of benefits of an online store.

If you are not good at the technical aspects, you can associate with some good website developers and seek the best E-commerce website design tips.

Meanwhile, you can spend your energy and focus on Planning out your marketing strategy, sales channel, production and delivery.

2. Transcend Boundaries

When Grandmother Jane Snowball purchased groceries from her local stores with her television remote in 1984, she didn't know that she was creating history.

Michael Aldrich’s experiment for the elderly is today the new normal for shoppers.

The benefits of eCommerce transcend political and geographical boundaries.

You can now leverage the best eCommerce platforms to launch your business website.

A website will make your storefront global. People of different nationalities and cultural diaspora will be able to make purchases effortlessly.

An eCommerce website offers you infinite visibility over the internet.

Imagine this, twenty years ago a customer in Asia was unlikely to know about a shop in the United States.

But today a Google search will list shops offering products and services in every American district.

3. Customer Retention

Retaining customers is a challenge all businesses face. Ecommerce platforms provide an advantage here as customers leave traces of data while shopping online.

A mail-id or phone number, a sign of choice struggle, and even a budget dilemma - you can capture all that with a good website.

You can then run offers, discount sales, campaigns and personalised emails to invite them.

If you are planning to develop your website with a talented e-commerce web design agency then make rooms for the latest technologies.

Integrating data-analysis tools into your website can help you harness these important pieces of customer information from Big companies like Amazon, and Walmart.

Leverage the power of data to constantly innovate.

4. Develop A Competitive Edge

The global market is very competitive. Standing aloof, with a unique identity is key to your success. With an online store, you can create your own brand identity.

Your web designs, marketing campaigns, stories, and blogs can form your identity.

Customers will remember you if you value them and deliver a smooth shopping experience. Social listening is easy with a website.

Research suggests that social listening helps entrepreneurs gain insight into customer expectations.

Brand stories and customer engagement through websites help you to collect more data about your audience and their perception.

The more you break the existing perceptions, the better your chances of attracting customers.

Because in a physical store, you can’t tell your brand story to every customer but in an online one you can.

So make use of that extra edge with a website for your business.

5. Help Pinpoint Right Products

Imagine wandering through a big shopping mall. You could get easily lost in the sea of products. But with a website game is just different.

Intuitive navigation, search boxes and filters help your customers to pinpoint what they are looking for.

With a website you can categorise and list products more accurately. Sellers have full control over product listing. You can add offers, discounts and even product information in a single step.

Website analytics will help you to improve the user experience and increase conversion rates. Tools like Google Analytics improve user engagement and help redefine customer journeys.

6. Low Maintenance Cost

Imagine the yearly maintenance cost of running a store. The natural wear and tear due to time and environment call for timely renovation. Ecommerce offers a significant benefit in this aspect.

One of the main advantages of eCommerce is its affordable maintenance. Websites and web apps have a very low maintenance cost. Some technologies that can help you start with a minimum budget.

Later, you can scale up your business as your returns spike. So you build, earn, build more and the cycle continues.

Now, if you are wondering how much does an e-commerce website cost? We can provide you with a blueprint for success.

7. Greater Control Over Your Business

A website can be accessed with a smartphone or a laptop. With a standard dashboard, you can get the A to Z of your business at your fingertips.

Daily purchases, stock of inventory, customer responses, reviews, sales data, profits and much more can be assessed with an eCommerce website.

Admin privileges will also help you control how your customer sees your storefront. You can respond to queries faster and address grievances one-to-one.

When the world is going smart with smartphones, customers are expecting smarter solutions too. You can achieve this with a modern eCommerce website.

8. Round-the-Clock Business

When you have an eCommerce website for your business, you can sell more because your store now runs beyond normal business hours.

Your employees may go home but your website is always up. Just a click away from every possible customer around the globe.

You will be that always-open store for your customer.

Think about the comfort of managing things with precision with simple touches. And for you, it will rain money even during holidays and vacations.

9. Pay and Get Paid Faster

One of the most annoying things for mall shoppers is the queues. Malls are today moving towards digital self-checkout kiosks for this reason.

A website is always a point of self-checkout. So there are no long-standing queues. In storefronts sometimes you may not have multiple payment options.

But in a digital store, you have an array of payment methods to choose from.

The pay-later feature adds to customer delight when they need a product desperately but just don’t have the cash to dispense.

Further, a website enables UPI, cash on delivery, net banking, card on delivery, credit/debit cards, and EMIs in addition to pay-later.

10. Wishlist and Cart Saving

One of the most heartbreaking shopping moments for a buyer is missing a favourite product.

Budget, timing, or other circumstances may prevent a buyer from completing a purchase.

But with an E-commerce website, you can offer them Wishlist. The customers can add their favourite items to the wishlist and come back later when they have time.

Cart saving is a feature of an online store that is very handy. You can send an SMS or email to remind the customers that they have left something behind in the cart.

Push notification is another advantage of eCommerce websites. Wishlist alerts, continue shopping reminders and other product updates can be sent to customers to drive conversions.

11. Defects and Returns

Research from Rebound, says that a delay in the product return process can result in a negative experience. And it can badly affect your brand’s reputation.

Manage the return of products and replacements with a website. It can help you track the returned goods and make amends for defective products with timely replacements.

Design the return journey with innovative approaches. Expand collection experience and track timely despatch of replacements with the online platform.

12. Make Comparisons

As a seller, you can compare products with different tools within your website.

Product comparison is beneficial for both sellers and buyers. Comparing products enlightens you about the right alternatives for the products your customers are searching for.

Provide plugins to choose the best option available within your digital store. Customers love integrated experiences.

When the store hears their needs and responds, it leaves a good impression on the buyer.

Side-to-side comparison of different brands and list their features, description, pros and cons. Include images, visuals, and reviews too with your website.


The pandemic pushed the world into eCommerce with minimal capital and time. But it proved to be the most disruptive move of the century.

Figures from OECD, show that when e-commerce was just near 9.6% in 2018 it touched 16.1% in 2020. In the United Kingdom, the share of eCommerce grew from around 17% to more than 31% in 2020.

COVID-19 touched every part of the world and like the touch of Midas, it rained gold for eCommerce.

Your customers are now online. Businesses that read this trend are already reaping the benefits of eCommerce websites and mobile apps. The sales are growing and the market is ripe.

Make your move and set up your business website today. Change your game with changing times and stay ahead in the market.

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  • eCommerce
  • Dhaval-Author
    Dhaval Sarvaiya

    Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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