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Augmented Reality: Everything There is to Know

Augmented Reality: Everything There is to Know

The augmented reality market is estimated to cross 62 Billion by 2023! What makes this novel technology…

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Why You Should Include Augmented Reality Experience in Your Mobile App

Why You Should Include Augmented Reality Experience in Your Mobile App

2019 is a great time to be a mobile app developer. With all the new smartphones, tablets, and…

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Augmented Reality in Education: Trigger For The Next Revolution In Learning

Augmented Reality in Education: Trigger For The Next Revolution In Learning

Augmented Reality (AR) forms part of mixed reality technology. It is expected to mature into a $95 Billion…

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The Delectable Benefits of Augmented Reality in Restaurants

The Delectable Benefits of Augmented Reality in Restaurants

The days are not far when your favourite restaurant might stop giving menus and instead give you…

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The Untold Benefits Of Having An Augmented Reality App For Real Estate Business

The Untold Benefits Of Having An Augmented Reality App For Real Estate Business

Joe is not your average real estate agent. He is a high-roller. Someone who flips mansions at…

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