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How Long Does It Take to Develop a Mobile App?

You might stumble upon a great looking app and think, “How long does it take to build an app like this?”

The truth is, there's no exact answer.

The development timeline for a mobile app depends on a variety of factors, from the app's complexity to the development approach you choose.

To give you a rough idea, here are the average timelines based on our experience:

  • Simple app: 2-4 months
  • Medium-scale app: 4-7 months
  • Large-scale app: 7+ months

In this article, we’ll explore various key factors that influence app development time frame. Understand them, and you can create a realistic timeline for your project.

But before we get to that, let’s explore why you need an app in the first place.

Why Does Your Business Need a Mobile App?

Having a mobile app brings a lot of benefits for businesses:

  • Increased visibility: A mobile app provides a direct channel for your company to reach their customers anytime, anywhere. With the app installed on their devices, customers have easy access to your products or services.
  • Enhanced brand recognition: A well-designed and functional mobile app creates a lasting impression on users. You can customise each app icon and visual element to reinforce your brand identity.
  • Improved customer engagement: With a mobile app, your business can engage with customers in real-time through features like push notifications, in-app messaging, and personalised offers.
  • Global reach: Having a mobile app enables you to extend your reach beyond local markets and tap into a global audience. This opens up new growth opportunities to expand your customer base.

App Development Stages and Timeline

Now that you know the importance of a mobile app, are you ready to build one?

Whether you want to create an app yourself or hire a mobile app development agency, the development process usually goes through three major steps:

1. Ideation and Research (2-4 Weeks)

This initial stage is all about brainstorming and planning.

Here, you'll identify the problem your app solves and the value it offers to users.

In order to do this, you have to conduct market research to understand your ideal user's needs, behaviour, and tech habits.

Also, don't forget to research your competitors. Check existing apps in your niche to find gaps and opportunities for differentiation.

Therefore, you can provide a unique value proposition to your target market.

2. Design and Prototyping (4-8 weeks)

Next, it's time to design the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of the app.

When crafting UX design, you should consider the app's flow and functionality to ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Wireframes and prototypes are often created during this phase.

Meanwhile, UI is the visual identity of the app, including layouts, colour schemes, and iconography.

Make sure the UI designer develops a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

At the same time, technical decisions should be made during this stage as well.

Those include choosing the app's architecture, the development tools that will be used, and how data will be handled.

3. Development (3-6 months)

This is where the app comes to life.

Now programmers will translate the designs and functions from the pre-development stage into code.

Normally, app development goes through several stages:

  • Front-end development: In this phase, front-end developers collaborate with designers to create the user interface using programming languages like Swift (for iOS) or Kotlin (for Android).
  • Back-end development: Next, back-end developers build the server-side functionality that powers the app, such as data storage, user authentication, and integrations with external services.
  • API integrations: If your app connects with other services or platforms, developers will integrate the necessary APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

How Long Does It Take to Build an App With Different Complexities?

The complexity of the apps directly impacts this stage's duration.

As the number of your app's features increases, so does the development time.

A simple app with basic functionality might take 3 months, while a complex app with numerous features and integrations could take more than 6 months to develop.

In this section, we'll explore the estimated development timeline for simple, medium, and complex apps.

App Development Timeline for Simple App

A simple app, such as to-do list apps, basic note-taking apps, or calculators, usually focuses on a single purpose and offers a streamlined user experience.

Given the focused nature of a simple app, brainstorming and market research can be done faster.

Plus, the core problem should be simpler, which allows for a quicker validation process.

Since there are likely a few core functions, it won't be too difficult to keep the UI design straightforward, focusing on clarity and ease of use.

Programmers can also focus on building the core features without extensive coding requirements.

This translates to a shorter development timeframe, which typically ranges from 2 to 4 months.

App Development Timeline for Medium App

Medium apps take a step up in complexity compared to their simpler counterparts.

For instance, imagine a fitness tracker app that allows users to monitor workouts and track progress, or an eCommerce app with limited product catalogues.

While the stages remain similar to those of simple apps, each stage requires more time for in-depth research and execution.

As a result, programmers will need more time for coding and integrating the features.

So, if you're building a medium app, expect a development timeframe that ranges from 4 to 7 months.

App Development Timeline for Large-Scale App

Large-scale apps offer robust features and more complex functionalities. They're also designed to serve high user volumes.

For example, think of ride-sharing apps, social media platforms, or modern e-commerce apps with extensive product catalogues.

Each stage requires meticulous planning and execution, with additional considerations like scalability and security playing a crucial role.

Since the app will be targeted to a wider market, expect to spend a significant amount of time solidifying the concept and ensuring market viability.

Naturally, the development phase will take longer time as well, since the programmers should meticulously test the code, integrate with external services, and ensure optimal performance across different devices.

So, how long does it take to develop a large-scale app? Well, usually it can take more than 7 months.

Wrapping Up

Remember, the estimated ranges provided above are just the starting point.

It's important to discuss your specific app concept with a mobile app development agency to get a more accurate time frame.

If you're looking for a reliable mobile app development partner, look no further than Intelivita!

With over 13 years of experience crafting professional mobile apps, we understand the complexities of the app development process like no other.

Our team of skilled developers also has a proven track record of success, having worked with major clients like Microsoft and Oxitec, and boasting an impressive 92% customer satisfaction rate.

Ready to bring your app to life? Don't hesitate to send us a request.

Our talented team will guide you every step of the way, from ideation to launch and beyond.

Dhaval Sarvaiya

Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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