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How to Create a Business Website (A Step-by-Step Guide for 2022)


Having a great website is one of the most efficient and cost-effective marketing strategies for small businesses. For a visually attractive and distinctive representation of your company, you can create a website for your business.

An online presence is no longer an alternative; it is a must-have in today's time. Also, this is a great option for brick and mortar stores to go virtual. For everything from product research to the location and operation hours, consumers turn to the internet.

Simple, well-designed websites may provide you with an advantage in your area, open new markets, and increase the business's profitability cheaply and simply if they sell things.

Why Should You Consider Website Development?

The internet is here to stay. It has become the primary source for research, connection, education, and entertainment throughout the globe. There are around 5.16 billion internet users worldwide as of 2023. More than half of the world's population is connected to the internet, and they do so for various reasons.

It's no secret that web development is on the rise. Web developers are predicted to see a 23% increase in employment between 2021 to 2031. That's a lot quicker than the average for other IT jobs, this speaks volumes of the market demand.

You do not need to know how to create a business website. When it comes to creating a website for your business, you can rely on this blog that outlines the procedures involved and suggests the best approach.

Go ahead with creating a website on your own or hire a web development team that creates small business website in the UK.

Intelivita provides top-notch web design and development services to enable enhanced user experience and unique functionality fo your startup.

So, if you are looking to stay ahead in the market with high-end website development solutions, get in touch with our experts!

To help you achieve your objectives and have your company website up and operating as fast as possible, here's where you need to get started.

Key Stages of Building a Business Website

A web development project involves the process of creating a website that is focused on aesthetic features, including layout, UI, and other visual components. A high-level objective of web design is to build an aesthetically beautiful website that is also simple to use.

Several elements need to be taken into account while establishing the appearance and functionality of the application website. This is why the scope of a web development project is usually fragmented into several key steps, as mentioned below.

Register your domain name

Users can readily access your key business information by identifying your company over a search engine. This is true if you create a website for your business with a domain name that reflects the goods or services you sell. As a result, buyers may anticipate a domain name similar to your company name or a brand name that you are using.

Choosing the domain name is an important first step in creating your brand since it may significantly influence your online visibility. However, it might not be easy to develop the ideal domain name.

Once you select the name, a small business website in the UK will have the option of a multi-year registration when you acquire domain names from domain registrars. When the first registration period ends, you will be able to renew your domain name, and the registrar will normally notify you.

This image refers to an option of a multi-year site domain registration.

Additionally, creating a website for your business will need you to host a web hosting package that may or may not include domain names. In that case, your web hosting provider would most likely provide them.

Choose a web host

Every website must have a host server where all its data is permanently kept for public use. As your business may deal with various activities, it might get challenging to host your website. Therefore, you'll need to find a third-party provider when creating a website for your business.

You have two options, both of which are feasible, based on your financial situation. You'll share a server with other websites if you go with a shared web host (a cheaper option).

However, dedicated hosting is more expensive, but it means that your site will not have to compete with other websites, which may slow down your site's performance.

Squarespace and Wix, for example, incorporate web hosting as part of their monthly plans.

Here are some of the key alternatives when considering web hosting services:

  • SiteGround: This is a web host that offers various cloud-based options, including servers and site backup. Typically, monthly membership costs $5 or less.

  • DreamHost: There are three managed WordPress hosting choices available from DreamHost, namely DreamPress, DreamPress Plus, and DreamPress Pro. Their plan starts at $4.95 per month.

  • A2 Hosting: A2 hosting offers virtual servers and offsite data storage among the many cloud-based services. A monthly membership fee can cost $6 or less a month.

How to Create a Website for Your Business in the UK?

You can either choose to create a website for your business on your own or hire a professional web development company. The latter is true if you do not know how to create a business website and are unsure of the right approach.

To ensure that your website is always up to date, set up a regular maintenance schedule.

If you are new to the business, hiring a trusted web development company to create a business is a great way to start moving in the right direction.

You can save time and money as they carry out the task from scratch by doing so. Hire a professional if you want to open an online store or provide other services through your website.

To make your website accessible on smartphones and other mobile devices, you'll need to make it mobile-friendly. Thanks to mobile optimisation, people who use smartphones and tablets to access the internet may now utilise your site while they're on the go.

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5 Tips to Start with the Website Development for Your Business

Image displaying five tips to consider when creating a website for your business.

When a website's design is integrated into its user experience, functionality, and content, it can stand out.

Creating a robust website for our business requires high-performing content and an amazing user experience.

Here, we will share some of the key website development tips that help you overcome common challenges and make decisions that add value to your business website idea.

#Tip1: Thoroughly identify what services and products your business offers

Make a summary of what your company does before creating a website for your business. The site should be such that visitors have a clear idea of what you do soon after landing on it.

It is great to have a small business website in the UK with a few well-written pages that can clearly describe your business offering.

#Tip2: Lead your audience with a compelling CTA

If a CTA button matches the content on the page, it performs better. "Buy it now" buttons are suitable on product pages, whereas "Contact us to know more" buttons are more suited to the services business' "About Us" page.

Additionally, a page with client testimonials might link the various programs and their associated costs.

#Tip3: Leverage automation to speed site

Set up as many automatic methods as you can for increasing performance. Save your visitors from filling up the same details or downloading the same content many times by utilising a Content Management System (CMS) and the appropriate plugins to cache certain site elements.

For instance, your website development team can use WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache for WordPress to speed up the site's performance by compressing files.

#Tip4: Avoid stock photos

It is best to do away with any tacky stock images which can ruin a brilliant website.

A snapshot of your real team or workplace is the best choice for your website if you want to present your business online.

#Tip5: Prepare your content

Consider how your website's visitors would engage after landing on a particular page. Provide useful, engaging information to your users by creating rich content that can help them take action.

Blending in the Brand Aesthetics for Website Designing

Create a website for your business that can enhance user experience as user-friendly and appealing websites drive conversion.

Customers can better understand your goods and services if you use relevant and intuitive visuals that complement the content. This means, a lot would depend on the design of your website when creating a startup business website.

Let us check out some of the key aspects of website design that need professional expertise.

In many cases, web developers will have a working knowledge of various designs and work in tandem with the UI/UX designers to create a user-friendly website.

Front-end Development

Developers that work in front-end development are responsible for designing and building the interface with which the end-users interact. They're in charge of the aesthetics, such as the layout, typography, menu/navigation, graphics, colours, etc.

A small business website in the UK needs user-friendly interfaces. The front-end developers are generally involved in the user experience (UX) part of their work. Front-end engineers that have expertise in user experience are better able to relate to their customers to design the website that drives conversion.

Back-end Development

Users see the front-end, but the back-end is invisible to them. Back-end web developers are responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes when it comes to websites.

A successful website would need a server, operating system, API, and database code. You can create a website for your business by hiring back-end developers who ensure the website systems' safety, integrity, and structure is in place.

When you do not know how to make a business website in the UK, rely on back-end developers to do the job. This team will be the first to start the project as they finalise the technologies your website would leverage.

Take your business to the next level with a powerful website.

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Full Stack Development

Full-stack developers cover both the front-end and back-end of a website. They build your website from scratch by integrating both ends and ensuring the smooth functioning of the website elements. They also adopt a stack to manage the various functions of a single website, such as the server, interface, etc.

You can hire a web development company for your website project with a team of full-stack developers who are experts in integrating top technologies. They can improve performance, spot problems before they happen, and assist other team members to comprehend various areas of a web service because of their extensive understanding.


The foundation of each successful website is a well-thought-out plan. It's referred to as a wireframe or sitemap by developers. It is an XML file that helps search engines scan and discover your website.

If you don't want it to be an official document, just a picture of what you want your site to look like may serve as a guide for you and your developers.

This image refers to an example of business website wirefreme.

Use a whiteboard or software like Invision, Slickplan, or Mindnode may be used. A sitemap is similar to a business plan in that it offers a developer an idea of what you're envisioning and the information necessary to accomplish your aims.

You can have developers contribute to creating a wireframe for the website before starting any actual work.

But, there are some questions to ponder upon when wireframing your site:

  • How many individual pages would you want to host on your website? Also, what information (in brief) will these pages contain?
  • How will you categorise those pages? And once you have the categories ready, how do you plan to arrange those pages?
  • What is the page hierarchy of your website?
  • Which of your pages and categories are crucial to your site and user experience, and which ones may be eliminated or combined?

Creating a wireframe will answer these questions and set you apart from the rest. Again, it is good to consult with a team that knows how to create a business website in the UK.

Once you speak to them, create a wireframe that can help you form a website structure. If you have a dedicated SEO or content strategy team, their input will be critical in the linking structure and categorising of your pages.

Write Your Website Code

Once the design and wireframes of your website are ready, developers will then work to write a code. Remember, the front-end and back-end of a website will be written in distinct programming languages.

Also, different languages will be adopted for various aspects of the site's functionality (such as design, interactivity, etc.). This way, when you create a website for your business, there will be a lot of languages used to build and maintain it.

Let us get along with three major types of languages that go into creating a website for your business.

This image shows developers use HTML, CSS and JavaScript code to build a business website.


Because of its ease of use and extensibility, HTML has been around for over 30+ years. It has everything basics that help you get started with a website. This also includes simplest codes and quick implementation. While it is possible to build a website with just HTML, it wouldn’t be very appealing.

HTML codes can be used to enhance and modify the fundamental structure of a website produced using languages like CSS and JavaScript. Also, mobile application development has become more popular thanks to HTML5, which allows cross-browser compatibility.


During the late 1990s, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was created by the W3C. Your website developers may use this code to add design elements like fonts, colours, and layouts to web pages.

CSS, like HTML5, is cross-browser compatible, allowing developers to customise your website to your exact aesthetic preferences.


JavaScript is the icing on the cake when it comes to coding for website development. When you create a website for business, JavaScript can be implemented to enhance webpages. Often, it is useful in creating animations, automating activities, and improving the user experience.

JavaScript, which was once dismissed as a "toy" language, is today the most frequently used coding language in existence. More recently it is used as a back-end programming language thanks to the support of Node.js. It's the first language that browsers can understand, and there have been discussions about adding machine learning to it.

Now, when creating websites for your business, you will need to rely on any or all of these "big three" of web development — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can find them implemented in almost every website.

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Install Plugins or Extensions

If you are looking to enhance the functionality of your website, then Plugins (in WordPress) and extensions (in Squarespace and other page builders) are of great use. These are useful for small and medium businesses looking to get the best out of their website.

When you create a website for the business using relevant plugins and extensions, expect user retention, high conversion, and better results.

For instance, if you choose to create a WordPress website, you have access to 70,000+ plugins to help enhance your website. So many possibilities may persuade you to install all the plugins and extensions that are accessible.

However, expect some drop in your website speed if you overload your site with multiple plugins.

Therefore, when choosing plugins and extensions while creating a business website, go for the ones that offer you the following:

Performance and Optimization

If a fast-loading website is your priority, then it is best to have performance and optimization plugins installed on your site. Such tasks are usually handled well by the WP-Optimize plugin and Optimole, which can optimise images on site.


Security plugins protect your website against spam, hackers, and other bad actors. A good example of this is Sucuri Security, which keeps your website’s security intact with the free and paid version.


Getting the database and file backups are vital in case of a website glitch. UpdraftPlus or similar plugins can prove useful to carry out these essential functions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Getting new users to your business website will need you to leverage search engine optimization. To make your content more search engine friendly, it is best to use Yoast SEO plugin.

It is highly recommended to opt for plugins that have received positive reviews regularly updated. Also, check for compatibility with your website and its platform to ensure seamless implementation and functioning.

Incorporate SEO Best Practices

People turn to search engines like Google to seek any information online. When creating a website for your business, you'd want it to show up on the top of search results. There are certain algorithms that Google (RankBrain, Bert, Core Updates, etc.) and other search engines use to rank websites for search phrases.

It then employs crawling, indexing, and ranking to decide where your website will be displayed.

People who are "crawling" your site are referred to by other websites. Because of this, it is important to have as many external connections to your site as feasible, and this is where you'd need SEO services for your website.

It needs you to take care of the content part in the following manner:

Opt for researched keywords

Have a dedicated SEO team to pick up keywords related to your company and match what your prospective clients are looking for online.

Maximise site speed

The optimal time for a page to load is under a second. Free site speed checkers like Google's PageSpeed Insights may help you determine whether your site is running at peak efficiency.

Publish fresh content

Your site's search engine ranking will improve if you post on a blog, add new information to your site, and frequently update your content.

Place internal and external links

Use contextual interlinking as a part of your larger SEO plan. You can also leverage other platforms to pass on the link juice to your web pages to rank better.

Optimise images

You can reduce the site load time if you compress your pictures and optimise the same. Remember that your site's overall performance may suffer if images take too long to load.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does a Business Website Cost?

The typical website development cost can range anywhere from £5,000 and £20,000. It is because of the variety of businesses involved and the amount of work that each website needs can vary.

When comparing the costs, hiring a professional web development company to create a website for your business is the best option.

How Long Does It Take to Create a Website For My Business?

The time to create a website varies from a few days to many months. A lot would depend on your design, functionalities, depth of pages and interlinking.

On average, you can consider a minimum of 15 days to the utmost three months to finish a website development project.

What Should you Include on Your Website?

Start with defining your business, what you do and who you are in general. Also, include contact information on your business website for the customers to connect. Include as much information as you can about services when creating a business website in the UK.

Customers should be able to easily buy the goods or services you provide via your website.

Include mission statements, reviews, testimonials, and a regularly updated blog with useful information about the business. These all can be excellent additions to your website.

How Can Intelivita Help in Creating a Business Website?

Image showing the homepage of Intelivita website.

Many small company owners find it difficult to keep up with the pace of technology and the complexity of maintaining their digital presence.

Let Intelivita handle the technology part so that you can put your resources to the best use that drives revenue.

Our web design and development services offer safe hosting, proactive maintenance, and top-quality company website design and development.

Web developers are at the forefront of these developments and advances, and we have a team of experts to take care of the same.

Take your business to the next level as we help you create a brilliant website for your business in the UK.

Speak to our experts, and they navigate the best possible ways to create a website for your business and ensure success.

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  • Web Development
  • Oliver-Author
    Oliver Baker

    Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.

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