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10 Important Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress In 2024

Whether you use the new AI-powered Bing or Google for search, websites are still the data source for customers.

So, there is no denying that in a modern age of high internet presence for business - a website is a basic necessity! WordPress powers more than 43.1% of websites and is a leading CMS with a 65.1% market share.

The popularity of WordPress among businesses has several reasons, including cost-effectiveness, security, and ease of web development.

However, with the rise of drag-and-drop website builders, you must consider different WordPress development aspects.

So, here we are with ten essential reasons to use WordPress, which will help you determine:

  • Why is it best for your website development?
  • Is WordPress secure for website development?
  • Can a WordPress website be cost-effective?
  • How easy is it to develop a website with WordPress?

Let's start with why WordPress is the best for your website development.

Intelivita is an advanced WordPress development agency that will transfrom your ideas into a unique user experience through innovative solutions.

Our team of experts ensures that your applications stand out not only on technical aspects but also on the design front. So, if you are looking to develop advanced wordpress website for your business, get in touch with us!

10 Reasons to Use WordPress in 2023

WordPress is open source, so many small businesses, startups, and bloggers choose it for their website development.

However, WordPress has many advantages, making it an attractive choice for enterprises and major businesses.

#1. Ease of use

WordPress is a user-friendly platform for developing intuitive websites for your business.

You need three things to start developing a WordPress website.

  • A domain name
  • Hosting service
  • A little focus!

A domain name is the website's identity by which you are visible to users on the internet. For example, or has the site's domain name. Similarly, you also need a hosting service for your WordPress website.

Choosing the right hosting service becomes crucial for your web development. For example, shared hosting can have multiple websites on the same host making it less efficient in handling peak loads.

Apart from the tricky part of choosing a hosting service, WordPress website development also requires some technical knowledge for the setup. You need a reliable WordPress development service to ensure efficient WordPress website development.

#2. Optimized for SEO

WordPress is a reliable content management system (CMS) with features to improve a website's search engine optimization (SEO). WordPress's website improves visibility across search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, and Yahoo.

So, how does WordPress improve your website SEO?

Here are some key reasons:

  • WordPress helps your website with a well-organized content structure that enhances meta titles, headings, and tags.
  • Creating high-quality content and uploading it on WordPress is easy.
  • WordPress uses PHP at its core which incorporates HTML pages. It helps describe the web page structure better for search engines.
  • WordPress allows the creation of clean website permalinks easily.
  • Image optimization for SEO requires a proper title, alt text, and description, a default in WordPress.
  • There are many SEO plugins in WordPress that you can use to improve search engine rankings, like Yoast SEO and others.

#3. Highly flexible and scalable

As your business scales, you need a reliable backend to ensure higher traffic does not disrupt the user experience.

WordPress offers high scalability for your websites and can handle massive traffic. It uses caching to store content locally, so when a user requests data, reloading the site is easy, and data is available from the cache.

When it comes to flexibility, WordPress plugins and themes allow organizations to customize website features. It comes with a pre-built theme editor, allowing you to adapt the website themes according to your needs.

#4. Enhanced third-party integrations

WordPress websites have several features that offer advanced functionalities. However, if your website needs additional functionality, you can integrate external services using WordPress REST APIs.

For example, an eCommerce website may require additional functionalities like inventory management, payment gateway integrations, and more.

External applications or services may use a different programming language than PHP, or you may be planning to integrate a custom WordPress plugin for which REST APIs are the best option.

External services can make HTTP requests and interpret JSON using the REST API to interact with WordPress.

So, even if you use jQuery or JavaScript for custom WordPress theme development, REST APIs provide a structured process for interaction with your website content.

This also helps reduce the time needed to access your website data, allowing better focus on user experience.

REST APIs in WordPress enable enhanced third-party integrations. However, you need to consider its impact on the WordPress website cost.

This is crucial as you will spend time and resources customizing APIs and services for additional functionalities.

#5. Better customizations

WordPress is the best option for customizing your website for higher personalization. It offers more than 60,000 plugins and 9,000 themes for enhanced customizations.

However, choosing the right WordPress plugin is crucial because many plugins never receive updates, making them vulnerable to cyber attacks.

For example, a report suggests that 18.3% of WordPress plugins have never received an update. So, you need a WordPress development partner to choose the right plugins for your website.

However, you can always customize your websites by developing custom WordPress plugins and themes.

#6. Minimal coding

Though there are many drag-and-drop platforms for website development, WordPress is still a popular choice due to its simplicity.

WordPress offers website development capabilities with minimal coding knowledge using Elementor. It is a drag-and-drop page builder that you can use on WordPress to create a website without extensive coding.

It is a WordPress plugin that helps you create user-friendly web pages with a visual editor. You can use Elementor to build dynamic websites.

Some of the benefits of using Elementor for WordPress website development are:

  • Anyone can build a website using Elementor
  • It has free with specific restrictions and so cost-effective
  • High-quality, user-friendly website design
  • Website built with Elementor is highly responsive
  • Enhanced customizations with the pro version.

#7. Enhanced security

WordPress is a highly secure platform if you follow specific security best practices which include user authentication mechanisms, secure plugin integrations, and monitoring.

WordPress security has key components like:

  • WordPress core
  • Plugins
  • Theme security.

WordPress core

The WordPress core is secure and requires timely updates. It provides regular security updates for the core services you need to update.

Further, you can use the following tips to improve the website's security:

  • Use multi-factor authentication mechanisms to ensure secure data access. It enables authentication of the users through an added layer of security. Users need to verify their identity through email ID, password, and a passcode or sign-in link sent on the device.
  • Install security plugins that scan your website for possible vulnerabilities, malware, and other cybersecurity threats.
  • Use encryptions by installing digital certificates that help secure communication between the user's device and your website servers.
  • Choose a secure hosting service provider.

WordPress plugin and theme security

WordPress has several plugins and themes which offer better website security.

However, one of the most significant aspects that can affect WordPress themes and plugin security is the lack of updates. Many plugins don't get security patches and updates which can cause cyber attacks.

So, the best way to ensure WordPress website security is to remove obsolete plugins which do not receive updates.

#8. Better code maintainability

WordPress provides better code maintainability through backward compatibility and cleaner coding capabilities within the platform. With PHP at its core, WordPress offers compatibility with versions like PHP 5.2.4 to the latest one.

Apart from backward compatibility, it also offers better code compatibility with older versions and newer updates.

Further, WordPress enables web developers to reuse the same database APIs for different services like products, galleries, web forms, and more. This allows developers to reuse the codebase across environments and operating systems.

#9. Responsive designs

Responsive website designs are crucial because they can impact your customer base. According to GoodFirms, 73.1% of respondents consider non-responsive websites to be the significant reason users leave a site.

Image showing the top reasons for a visitor to leave website

Fortunately, WordPress offers the capability to develop a highly responsive website and enhance the user experience.

You can use WordPress to develop responsive websites by integrating plugins and themes. You will find several themes in the WordPress library, offering intuitive and responsive UI for your websites.

#10.Cost-effective websites

WordPress is an open-source CMS that offers essential website development for free.

However, there are other costs that you need to plan for and create a budget estimate — starting from the domain name, which can cost you anywhere between £40-£60 per year.

The second cost that you need to plan for is the hosting services. Hosting service providers like SiteGround, A2Hosting, and BlueHost provide different plans ranging from £30-£60 per month. A third and most significant cost of WordPress website development is the price you need to pay for premium plugins.

WordPress does offer free plugins and themes, but if you want enhanced functionality, responsive web design, and better security, you may need to pay a premium price.

Intelivita's WordPress Excellence at Your Service!

Developing a WordPress website is not just about picking the exemplary hosting service, plugin, or theme but aligning your efforts to achieve organizational goals.

UK Eats is one fine example where Intelivita helped create a website to achieve its goals.

UK Eats is a cutting-edge food ordering application designed to provide customers with the quickest doorstep delivery of their favorite food.

Developed by Intelivita, with a user-friendly interface, customers can easily search and discover top restaurants, cuisines, and dishes from their mobile devices.

So, if you want to develop a WordPress website for your business with highly responsive UI and enhanced security, get an estimate now!

Posted In:
  • Web Development
  • Oliver-Author
    Oliver Baker

    Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.

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