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What Is the Best Framework for Web Development?

If you're web developer, you're probably spending more time researching the tech stack nstead of putting actual work into building the software.

And yet, you're out of ways to free yourself from this unproductive loop.

Worry not! As an experienced web development agency, we have tried and tested various web development languages. So, we are here to lend you a hand.

Aside from Laravel and Ruby on Rails, is there another best web development framework to yet discover? Read more to find out!

Ready to dive into the exciting world of web development and learn about the languages that empower your framework?

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What Are the Types of Frameworks for Web Development?

Before starting out, let's explore the different types of web development frameworks.

Source: Pinterest

1. Front-End Web Frameworks

Front-end frameworks provide a pre-written structure for web applications, helping with user interface management.

Front-end frameworks are also used to update data from the API or server. Some most popular web development languages used in front-end frameworks are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

2. Back-end Web Frameworks

While front-end frameworks create the structure for the web application, back-end frameworks are used for the web development process.

Back-end frameworks handle the server and database, generating the URL mapping and setting up the structure based on user needs and goals.

Additionally, back-end frameworks play a crucial role in maintaining functionality and monitoring user interactions.

Some popular back-end frameworks web development languages include PHP, JavaScript, and Python.

What is the Best Framework for Web Development?

The best framework for web development can change throughout the year due to the evolving nature of new languages and technologies.

Below are some of the general frameworks for web development.

1. AngularJS

AngularJS is a popular web development framework by Google. It's commonly used to create large-scale web applications with high performance while remaining easy to maintain.

This framework has been around since 2010 and has been redesigned using one of the best web development languages, TypeScript.

Most uniquely, AngularJS uses two-way data binding, where the architecture components are connected to the backend.

2. Ruby on Rails

For web developers seeking a framework to enhance productivity, Ruby on Rails is one of the best options based on its performance.

It uses the MVC concept, gaining attention from thousands of developers due to its user-friendly tools and features.

Some examples of platforms built with Ruby on Rails include Shopify, Airbnb, and GitHub.

Apps built with Ruby. Source: Railsware

3. Django

Another web development framework that developers use to create high-quality web applications is Django.

This framework is not only beginner-friendly but also fast, secure, versatile, and scalable.

Even some popular social media platforms like Instagram still use this development framework. It helps maintain stability and build secure websites.

4. Meteor

If you are looking for one of the best web development tools for prototyping, consider Meteor or Meteor JS. This web development framework supports multiple platforms, including web, iOS, and Android.

It uses web development languages such as JavaScript. Meteor can also be used for deployment, scaling, and monitoring.

5. Laravel

The highlight of Laravel is its user-friendly interface, elegance, and readiness. It uses the MVC architecture and PHP, making it one of the most popular languages on the web.

If you are a beginner, choosing Laravel is the right choice as it offers more than 1,000 tutorials using PHP.

What's the Use of a Framework for Web Development?

A web development framework has a lot of advantages both for your web development process and your business overall.

First of all, your developers can save a lot of time as they don't have to build the tech from scratch.

Additionally, frameworks prevent repetitive tasks like configuring default browser settings.They help maintain websites consistently, so your tech can sustain for a long-time, returning your investment.

Plus, web development frameworks are excellent for advancing your user experience. For one, some customization will simplify complex navigation menus so users can explore the site without difficulty.

How Does the Framework for Web Development Work?

In the web development process, developers often use Model-View-Controller (MVC) as the foundation of developing a web application.

The MVC term refers to the structure of the web development process. Each part represents a different component of web development:

  • Model: Manage all data-related logic between the View and Controller components.
  • View: Handle data presentation and dynamic rendering, including the user interface for the user.
  • Controller: Act as a connector between the Model and View, managing business logic.


As we have explained and provided information about web development frameworks, the types of web development vary and can be chosen based on your needs.

No need to worry about it! Let us, Intelivita, become your partner in creating the best website to represent your business.

Check out Intelivita now and get ready to start a successful journey with us!

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  • Web Development
  • Dhaval-Author
    Dhaval Sarvaiya

    Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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