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5 Best Languages for Web Development: Which One Should You Pick?

Most conversions happen on a website, and optimising your storefront requires the collaboration of different elements, including the best web development languages.

You've probably heard of Java, CSS, and Python, as they're the most commonly used languages in web development.

But should you follow the crowd or stay true to your business?

The answer is that each business is unique with its own set of requirements. There is no set-in-stone blueprint.

What works for others might not work for you, and vice versa.

So, whether you're working with a web development agency or going fully in-house, prioritise adapting the right combination of top programming languages, which we will guide you through in this article.

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1. Swift

If you're developing an app for Apple, you should know that this popular tech company has its own programming language called Swift.

Why is it better to go with Apple's official programming language?

Because it's already optimised for the operating system's environment from the get-go.

For that reason, despite being relatively new, it is highly in demand among developers.

It's easy to implement and can even integrate with external platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Android.

The fastest-growing ridesharing app of the decade, Lyft, also adopts Swift as the forefront tech in their iOS app.

Lyft App Mockup

But they're not the only ones.

Here are some reasons startups and tech corporates prefer writing their code in Swift, along with some drawbacks.


  • High-performing code, even for large and complex applications.
  • Intuitive, simple, modern, expressive, and low-maintenance syntax.
  • More secure and stable code thanks to their powerful type-checking and error handling.
  • Expansive code and libraries, including from Objective-C.


  • Difficult for those unfamiliar with statically typed languages.
  • Not as flexible as dynamically typed like Python.
  • Not as expressive as other programming languages.


HTML & CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are not only essential — they're hard requirements for nearly all types of web development.

These two languages are the foundational pillars when it comes to developing web pages.

They do not only cover the most basic but also client-specific functions, and mastering the two should be a must for developers.

Nearly all the websites you see on the web, including the one from the famous franchise McDonalds, are built on HTML & CSS; combining both simplicity and interactivity.

McDonald's Website


  • Clear syntax, making it easy to learn and use.
  • Widely used with a large community of users.
  • Essential for creating a website, from layout to structure.
  • Quick implementation not only for website development but also prototyping.
  • Integration support with PHP and JavaScript.


  • Limited in enabling interactivity, requiring other languages like JavaScript for dynamic content.
  • Less capable and functional compared to other advanced web development languages.
  • Difficult to maintain and update for large-scale and complex websites.

3. PHP

Personal Home Page, or PHP, is an open-source scripting language often used to create dynamic websites and applications.

It is usually learned after mastering HTML/CSS.

According to the latest findings, more than 77% of the websites on the Internet have been powered by PHP since 1995.

It is one of the most popular languages that exist today.

From PDF files and images to texts to animations, PHP has got you covered in developing content that requires high interactivity.

Further, this language is also used to create interactive databases and perform server-side tasks.


  • Clear syntax that's easy to learn and use.
  • Seamless integration with HTML.
  • Superior for prototyping and speeding up web development.
  • Flexible functions and adaptable code.


  • Security vulnerabilities, including SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Lack of modern features compared to other programming languages.
  • Inconsistent function and parameter order.
  • Lack of standardisation across different implementations, resulting in compatibility issues.
  • Not suitable for large-scale web applications.

4. Python

Python is easy to learn and use, making it a popular high-level programming language.

Designed with an emphasis on code readability, Python is widely used in software development projects.

It also offers dynamic typing capabilities, which are suitable for creating large and complex websites.

Additionally, Python integrates with modern features like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), helping developers and business owners understand user behavior in more depth.

In fact, Spotify – the number one music streaming app – relies on Python heavily for speeding up its back-end performance and data analysis.

Spotify Python


  • Easy to learn and use with clear syntax.
  • Expansive third-party library integrations that help streamline website development across domains.
  • Access to numerous tutorials and resources to ease up the developer's work.
  • Highly suitable for diverse applications, including those that adopt frameworks such as Django and Flask.


  • Slower performance compared to lower-level languages.
  • More potential for errors and debugging challenges due to dynamic typing.
  • Unsuitable for memory-intensive projects or systems requiring high performance.
  • Slower when handling large data sets.
  • Less efficient for certain tasks.

5. JavaScript

JavaScript is still the go-to programming language for developers, especially if you want to create dynamic interfaces that are highly functional, interactive, and modern.

While HTML is the best for laying the foundation of a website, JavaScript takes this further with a focus on user experience.

JavaScript supports server-side development, including presentations, web servers, games, smartwatch apps, and software.

It is one of the best choices for developing full-stack applications.

If you are a game developer and need an inspiration,, one of the most in-demand games, is created from JavaScript.


  • Interactive modules for user interfaces.
  • Robust back-end infrastructures for web services.
  • Versatile and dynamic code, allowing developers to build a wide range of applications.
  • Rich ecosystem with extensive libraries and frameworks.
  • HTML and CSS integrations.
  • Asynchronous programming support, enabling developers to handle concurrent operations and improve user experience.


  • Has compatibility issues and inconsistent browser support.
  • Operations need to be performed sequentially, which may lead to performance obstacles.
  • Debugging can be challenging due to weak typing, leading to unexpected behavior.
  • Managing asynchronous code can be difficult, sometimes resulting in nested callback structures.


If you're looking for the best web development services with experts proficient in these top programming languages, Intelivita is the best choice for developing your website.

We're ready to help you grow your business with us!

Posted In:
  • Web Development
  • Dhaval-Author
    Dhaval Sarvaiya

    Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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