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How to Build an Effective Mobile App Marketing Plan to Boost Visibility, Downloads and Use

Achieving the success of a mobile app does not only focus on the product, but also its marketing strategy. This should include, but not be limited to:

  • Business model
  • Strategy
  • The Target Market
  • Timeframe

For these reasons, if you are one of those who not only care about the volume of downloads but also to implement deeper and more focused actions in order to minimize customer acquisition costs, maximize retention rates and optimize the profitability of the model, then you have to firmly stick to a plan and never lose sight of the strategic process that you have drawn to be consistent with the behavior of your target in order to keep them as faithful and regular consumers.

Effective Steps to Develop your Successful Mobile App Marketing Plan

Designing a mobile app marketing plan doesn't mean forgetting the traditional channels, but rather the opposite: you must integrate all your communication and sales strategies in a coherent, integral and fluid manner. In fact, for your audience to know that you are developing new things in the mobile app ecosystem, you will have to support yourself in other ways.

There are several components, now let's consider these 5 key stages to form your Effective Mobile Marketing Campaign.  

# 1 Know Your Audience

Do you wonder how to create a mobile proposal that adapts to the needs of such a large market and that covers different ages or lifestyles? Well, make the best effort to understand the customer that enters and buys in your physical store: discover the social demographic data of your client, what they like, their hobbies, interests and needs, what motivates them, what they respond to, and how they use their devices. Then, design your app based on your audience and adjust all functions to their specific behaviours! If you are going to communicate with your customers through a mobile app, it is an unavoidable condition to know how to reach them.

 #2 Analyze Your Competition

In the second instance, you must establish who your main competitors are and investigate what they have done in the past and what they are doing in the present to develop an exclusive, differential and disruptive proposal. To do this, not only limit yourself to see if they have an app in the app store, but rather carefully study all their own media such as the website, blog, social networks, mailing campaigns and online advertising.

Going specifically to the mobile environment, a possible way is to use the 3x3x3 rule. What does it consist of? In analyzing 3 competitors of the same size, 3 bigger and 3 of the international market. Thus, you will have a brief and representative screen of the acceptable/expected visibility in mobile devices, the communication with the users through an app, the attention to the customer via mobile, the volume of downloads, the periodic updates of its functionalities and the type of mobile advertising that they use to capture the attention of their users.

#3 Define Your Goals

All your Digital Marketing strategy must be specifically aligned with the purposes you want to achieve. What do you want to achieve and where do you want to go with your mobile proposal? This must be the first question to answer with a realistic and achievable definition before mobile app development. Make sure that your mobile goals are:

  • Specific: Avoid all kinds of generalities and be specific, the more focused you are the better you will achieve! If you fall into ambiguities, you run the risk of setting goals that do not help you achieve your goals. For example, generating downloads of the app is an objective that everyone has but it is not a specific mission. However, if your purpose is to increase downloads by 40% during the next semester, you will be specifying your goal.
  • Measurable: To know if your objectives are being met, it is necessary to measure them through indicators or KPIs adapted to the reality of your business. This will help you to detect if you are on the right track or if you should change your strategy to achieve better results.
  • Achievable: As ambitious, inspiring and motivating as your goals are, if they are not attainable you will have lost your valuable time and you will only gain the disenchantment of your dedicated resources. How will you get thousands of downloads of your app in a single semester if you do not have a realistic budget to boost your actions? Keep your feet firmly attached to the ground!
  • Temporary: It establishes a period of time during which you will achieve the expected results. They can be 3 months, a semester or the whole year, but you must define a certain time to reach the goals. The time you set will depend on the behaviour of your project and the steps you need to take to reach a successful conclusion.
  • Results Oriented: Any objective must pursue the purpose of generating favourable results for the company but it must also function as a motivator that stimulates the achievement of new goals, scalable, progressive and even more staggered.

#4 Structure The Strategy

The next step is to diagram a solid strategy based on the previously agreed objectives. Depending on the objectives set, you can implement a push/penetration or pull/attraction strategy: The first technique will allow you to draw the attention of your potential customers and push them to sell through actions that burst their space. While the second it will do nothing more than attract and fall in love with your target audience with a really lovely, personalized, differential and easy-to-use mobile proposal.

The important thing is to structure a strategy of penetration that does not invade or overwhelm the user but calls his attention in a cautious, intelligent and above all respectful of his privacy and his times.

#5 Specify the Actions and Measure the Results

There are many actions you can take to carry out your mobile app marketing plan, but although there are plenty of useful tools to achieve your goals, remember that the mobile user is especially sensitive to their privacy. The important thing at this point is that you are very clear about the purpose you seek to achieve the response you expect from your community and the bet you are willing to play with your actions.

Once again, we move the whole to the part. As we suggest when we talk about digital planning the measurement of results is the most important factor. Knowing your metrics, analyzing answers, locating behavioural and usability parameters, detecting download flows or cancellation and derecognition levels as well as applying business intelligence on the numerical data of traffic and conversion will enable you to make variants in your strategy in order to that improve the performance of your performance.

Analyze, analyze and re-analyze! If you do it with frequency and dedication you will know at all times how your strategy is working and what actions are generating a greater return on investment, allowing you to adapt them if necessary to achieve the objectives you have set.

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To Conclude:

With these 5 steps, you can now make your app marketing pan and leave it ready to launch to succeed. Always remember about strategic planning: every plan regardless of its nature, implication and extension must be a dynamic document to be reviewed and updated periodically in case the circumstances of the changing environment so require. The right combination between a diagrammed order and an intelligent adaptation will be what leads you to the success of your mobile proposal.

Oliver Baker

Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.

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