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Choose the Best Mobile App Development Technology Stack for Your Business

The proverbial slip between the cup and the lip is not just another intelligent expression, but a reality in the world of mobile app development. A great idea may fail as a product. An innovative concept may find itself languishing, without too many takers. The slip in most cases is always the wrong choice of technology. This ideally needs to begin with the wireframing phase and conclude in the technical feasibility assessment stage. During these stages, the team involved in prototyping and building the app needs to take the right decision at the right time. Here is a quick look at how the best app developers make the right technological choice for a mobile app development.

Matching the functionalities with the most suitable technology stack

When the app is in the Research/Storyboard stage, developers and clients are more likely to have reached consensus on the required functionalities and features. To put it in other words, the desired features and functional aspects of the app would have taken concrete shape. Developers need to use this information in the subsequent phases of mobile app development to decide on the most suitable technology. While it is true that many technologies may sometimes offer similar functions and features, there are nuances that are best delivered by specific technologies. The ability to identify the most suitable technology will come with experience and an expert team will be in a position to shortlist or single out a particular technology that is most suitable.

Four components of app development that need to be considered

The four most critical components of mobile app development that need to be considered are –

  1. Frontend
  2. Backend
  3. Development Platform
  4. Additional Elements

the additional elements of apps may differ from one to another. The front end is the interface that offers users access to the functionalities and features. The backend handles all the processing and storage. The development platform has the overarching effect of getting the interface and various other components to work in tandem. And finally, the additional elements could involve a payment gateway, security measures or any other special requirement that is intrinsic to the functionalities of the app.

The popular choices of technology stacks for specific development needs

Presently, app developers tend to choose a particular stack automatically the moment the app requirements are classified. For instance, if the app that needs to be developed is a native app (Platform specific- Android or iOS), a specific technology stack (most common Objective-C or Swift for iOS app development and Java for Android app development) is used. Similarly, for hybrid apps, a set technology stack is preferred. When it comes to native apps the very nature of the development itself helps the developers to make choices easier, by offering a fixed choice of technologies. In other words, developers will find it easier to take a call on the most suitable technology stack. For instance, if a team is commissioned to develop an app for iOS, the choice is pretty much narrowed, making it easy for the team to choose from Swift & Objective-C. However, the challenge may arise when there is a very wide choice of tools when developing a cross-platform mobile app.

Four parameters that will help to choose the most suitable mobile technology stack

While many parameters can help to determine the most suitable technology stack for mobile app development, four parameters will help to effectively narrow down the choice to a few tools/platforms. Here is the rundown on the four parameters.

1. Strengths of the developer when it comes to a toss between two similar technologies

Quite a few technologies may offer similar functionalities and features, with specific differentiators among them. If the strengths of the developer(s) are more inclined towards a particular technology it would be a good idea to go with that technology. However, if a specific feature or functionality mandates the need for relying on a technology that has not been mastered by the developer(s), it is necessary to choose a different team or to insist on the inclusion of a resource to handle the requirement. For instance, if the innovative feature of your app depends on a few features or functionalities that cannot be delivered by the developers because of a lack of adequate expertise in the technology stack, it is time to choose a better team.

2.  Community support and open source

A mobile application is expected to offer convenience to users for a long period. Every stakeholder should be considered wisely. This means that the technology used for building the app needs to be supported by the developer community. The more reputed software development firms offer technical support with a strong community of developers, while the open source platform also helps to improve the tools with inputs from the community. It is essential to choose a technology that will receive support from the publishing company/community.

3.  Compatibility is a prime consideration

In the event that you commission a hybrid or cross-platform app development, it is necessary to verify compatibility. An app needs to function with the same efficiency and offer similar convenience and functionality across platforms. You really cannot afford to have one set of functions in one platform and another set on the other. It creates confusion for the user as well the backend processes. It’s therefore, necessary to ensure that hybrid/cross-platform apps are developed with technologies that offer compatibility with different platforms. 

4.  Keep future requirements in mind

This has certainly got to be one of the most important strategic aspects of your entire app development and scaling it further. Most businesses and organisations may plan to have an app that will receive future updates. The inclusion of additional features and functionalities in the future needs to be actively considered. The choice of the mobile app development technology stack therefore needs to take this aspect into consideration. For instance, if the use of one technology for a feature under development is likely to conflict or be incompatible with a tool that may be used in the future for including an important feature as an update, then it is necessary to choose an alternative technology that will work seamlessly and in tandem with other tools.


The main consideration in mobile app development is the need for offering a great user experience, with higher levels of security. To achieve these two requirements, apps need to be developed with the right kind of technology. It needs to be borne in mind that once apps are developed it would not be a good idea to actually roll out an entirely new one to replace the old one. The existing one ideally needs to be smoothly and seamlessly upgraded. An entirely new version will not only be counterproductive in terms of costs, but it’s also likely to result in loss of clientele. It’s therefore, necessary to choose the technology stack with great care so as to ensure that the app continues to support the business with standout features and functionalities that drive efficiency.

Are you still confused on which technology stack to choose for your next mobile application? Don't worry about that, get in touch with us. Our team of experts will guide you to choose the best mobile app development technology stack and help you convert an idea into a great innovation. 

Dhaval Sarvaiya

Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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