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5 Crucial Considerations for Building Augmented Reality App for Your Business

Augmented Reality as a new vista of technology has already come of age. It is no longer just a new technology that looks cool. It is actively allowing users and businesses new ways to interact. But still, it's not uncommon to hear people expressing confusion about the kind of Augmented Reality app they need to build. Augmented Reality is great, how I can utilize it for my business app? Such confusion is quite common, isn't it?
Such confusion is echoed by Gartner as well. While the market size of the Augmented Reality technology is going to cross 100 billion marks by the time we reach 2024, many of the AR apps are actually failed attempts to use the technology meaningfully. So, before you build the Augmented Reality app, you need to have a clear idea of how it works purposefully.
Here we are going to explain 5 key considerations for any augmented reality app development project.

1. How the AR app is going to solve user problem?

Like any application, your AR also has to solve a particular user need. Do you want to have a clear idea of how the AR app can address user needs? Consider the following user contexts and business needs.
●     When products in an online store need to deliver a near-physical look and feel to help customers making buying decisions.
●     In an environment pertaining to building or constructing a project through augmented reality, one can help to make the objects appear like in real-world space.
●     In a remote operation of business tasks where team members are unable to share the same physical space, augmented reality objects can help with objects appearing with real-world dimension.
●     When you need to create a simulated environment to help learners learn in more details, AR app can help. This may occur in the case of medical and engineering classes where students can learn from AR objects.
●     Through augmented reality app you can also create a simulated real estate environment to help buyers make accurate decisions.  

2. How the real-world experience can be recreated?

Those times are long gone when users jump in excitement seeing an animation making real-world appearances. Today, augmented reality needs to create more meaningful and relevant user experience with the user purpose in mind.

What substantial value an animation can create to incorporate real-world experience matters most. So, you need to ask how the animation makes the user experience better and how it adds value to people's lives.

If you are using augmented reality within a shopping app, you need to ask whether it is actually making the shopping experience better or richer. Similarly, if you are using this for real estate, whether the augmented reality is helping buyers making better decisions about the properties is important. For augmented reality being used in eLearning app, it is important to create real value for the learners.

3. Your target users and what they like

It’s another major consideration that every augmented reality app has to give importance. You need to know your users and their preferences in detail. You need to know the user demographics, the kind of user interfaces they are used to, their expectation from a similar kind of app and so on. To know your target users and to know their preferences in detail you need to conduct solid research and profiling.
The informal research for a new augmented reality app can start by interacting with potential users across social channels and multiple avenues. Some of the key questions that you can ask your users in this regard should include aspects related to their favourite digital experienced, the frequency of using these new technologies, what are big turn-offs for the new technologies, how frequently they turn to digital apps for solving everyday problems, etc. All these considerations will give you a clear picture of the target users and their preferences.
The last thing to remember is the new and improved consumer experience that you need to create while building an augmented reality app. The augmented reality incorporated into a regular app should offer incremental betterment of the user experience.

4. The device usage of your target users

Apart from knowing the target users and the kind of augmented reality experience that you need to deliver, you also need to know about the devices your users are used to and the kind of device operation they are mostly succumbed to for fulfilling their purposes. This will technically give you more precision while deciding about the platform for your new augmented reality app.
While updated and latest range if iOS and Android devices will support most sophisticated augmented reality experience, it should entirely depend upon your target users. If your users are still comfortable with earlier generation marker-based or overlay-based augmented reality experience, you cannot force-feed them something new.

5. Evaluating the success of your AR project

Obviously, when you develop augmented reality app, it is not going to be a cheap endeavour. A well-articulated and sophisticated AR experience involves many challenges and there is a substantial cost for such a project. Naturally, you need to evaluate and measure the success of your AR app for fulfilling your objective. Some of the most important questions that you need to ask while evaluating the outcome of your augmented reality app development project include the following.
●     Is the AR experience making the overall user experience better and is it making customers more engaged?
●     Is the new AR experience boosting sales and making faster business conversions?
●     Is the new AR experience helping workforce to be more productive?
●     Is the AR experience delivering something exclusive and new over and above the industry standard?

Last but not the least consideration
At last, examples are the best ways to learn from mistakes and you have countless examples of failed augmented reality apps besides several successful apps that utilized to the best if their potential. So, learning from augmented reality apps is a great way to deliver a perfect AR experience that actually works. It is always advisable to see how successful AR apps of your competitor niche are doing and how you can make it incrementally better.

Tuhin Bhatt

Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company with offices in the UK and India. He has expertise in Mobile Game, iOS, Android, AR and VR app technologies. With flawless command over mobile app development, Tuhin also has a passion to share his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. His write-ups are usually based on Technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.

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