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Researching Mobile App Agencies? Here are Some Hidden Costs of Mobile App Development

Now that you have finally decided to build a mobile app of your dreams, it’s time to research and find a mobile app development agency.

However, there are a plethora of choices available, making it hard to select the one that perfectly fits into your budget. Hence, you ask them to provide quotes and detailed cost estimation for the app you want them to develop.

While you want to select the cheapest option available, going for it might not always be a great decision. Because the quotation may not include certain charges and expenditures you may need to pay along the way.

Thus, it’s necessary to get the hang of certain hidden charges that are not included in the quotations. But before we get into them, let’s get to know things to look for in mobile app agencies:

Things to Look for in Mobile App Agency

The illustration shows three things you should ask before choosing app development agency.

1. Technology Used

The first thing to look for and clarify with your mobile app development agency is what technologies they are going to use.

Technology is the backbone of your app and you must never overlook when your app’s life depends on it. Discuss and cross-verify the same with other development agencies to get a clear picture.

Doing so allows you to ensure you are getting your money’s worth by getting the right product at the right prices.

2. Development Time

App development is a complicated process that programmers have to deal with. Thus, often it takes several months to turn your app idea into reality from initiation to writing codes, backtesting, and deploying.

Also, it’s crucial to have quicker time to market to capture the early adopters and grab attention of your target market.

So, you must look for a mobile app development agency that stays true to their words and gives you a detailed completion timeline.

3. App Security Level

Security is one of the essential mobile app development factors that highly influences your choice of mobile app development agency.

Research what are the industry standards and practices to secure your app and even ask your development partner the same.

Will your app have firewall protection? How safe will payments and transactions be? What are the measures to secure customer and stakeholder information?

Get into as much details as possible to ensure your app gets higher-grade security.

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Different Hidden Charges of App Development You May Not Have Considered

As mentioned, mobile app development is a complex process and cost to build an app varies greatly depending on the several factors listed above. Here are some costs that you might not have considered:

The illustration shows different hidden charges of app development.

1. Native/Cross-Platform Development Costs

Cross-platform app development is where you want to develop an app that works on several platforms/devices. The thing to understand here is there are two ways to develop an app:

  • By using native technology like Swift for iOS and Kotlin/Java for Android
  • Or using web technologies like HTML, CSS, JS, and others for cross-platform development

First, decide which one is ideal and fits best to your budget. Do you want to develop separate apps for each platform? Or do you want one app for all platforms/devices?

Cross-platform development is generally a viable and much cheaper option out of the two. But if you want to develop native apps, i.e. apps developed specifically work on one platform, it’s cost significantly higher.

2. Marketing and App Store Charges

Marketing and app store publishing charges are administrative costs not typically included in the agency provided quotes. Once the app is developed, getting it live requires you to pay certain charges or commission fee.

According to Statista there are 3.3 million apps on the Play Store and 2.11 apps on Apple App Store.

Statista graph that shows number of apps available in leading app stores as of 1st quarter 2022

Hence, getting your app in front of the target audience will cost you additional. You may have to pay your mobile app development agency if they are handling the same.

3. Infrastructure Charges

Infrastructure charges involve charges for hosting your applications on servers. These charges often change depending on your scalability requirement.

If your app starts to get traction and experiences traffic spikes, which your server isn’t meant to handle, then it’ll face frequent outages.

Thus, you will need some advanced server functionalities to keep your mobile apps up and running, which may cost you additional.

4. App Testing and Maintenance Costs

Often businesses underestimate or overlook testing and maintenance costs required for their apps. They make the mistake of thinking that the app development is a one-time project.

However, with each addition of an app platform, the cost of testing and maintenance costs rises significantly. Further, there will always be bug fixing, security patches, technology upgrades, and other support needs.

Such types of costs are never part of the cost to build a mobile app. Thus, you must also clarify with your mobile app development agency about such charges.

5. Administrative and Functional Charges

Similar to testing and maintenance, your app may also require adding new features to keep up with industry trends. Another unexpected charge can include administrative costs, which may differ depending on your app type.

Sometimes, agencies would lure you into adding nice to have but unnecessary functions. These features may initially seem like great add-ons for your app but can cost you a hefty amount.

The only beneficiary of this is your development partner by convincing you to add unnecessary features.

6. Mid-Project Changes Costs

Mid-project changes are legit charges you may have to pay and are not part of the initially estimated costs. The initial cost estimation is based on initial specs and any modification will have great implications on your budget.

The problem is businesses don’t have a clear idea of how much these mid-project changes can drive up the costs. They don’t realise what these small changes might impact their final app development project cost.

So, before you modify any requirement or add new functionality in the middle of the development, ask for how much it’ll cost. Doing so will ensure there are no surprises in the end.

7. App Design Costs

App development does not only involve writing codes, integrating 3rd-party APIs, and building functional features. It also involves user interface and user experience designing processes too.

Thus, much of your app development expenditure goes into UI/UX design and the more complex the design the higher the costs will be. Also, if you are targeting multiple platforms, the costs are bound to go high.

Thus, you must keep in mind the cost for app design and ask for accurate quotations from your mobile app development agency.

8. Data Storage Costs

Are you considering cloud storage or another alternative? Data storage is also an important aspect of your application. It deals with expenses you’d have to incur for your data-heavy application.

Depending on your data-storage requirements, you’d have to make necessary arrangements. Generally, these types of charges are not included in the app development quotation.

Thus, you have to keep a separate budget for the same. Initially, you might have to incur low costs as you’d not need high bandwidth. But as you scale up, the charges for data storage requirements will shoot up high.

Wrapping Up

Before we conclude, it’s essential to understand that mobile app development is not going to be cheap. Make sure you go through each bid and quotation thoroughly for clear understanding.

The right investment on the right mobile app development agency like Intelivita can bring immense returns for your business.

You can consult our team of experts and ask for all such additional hidden charges and how they may impact your budget. That said, see you till the next!

Contact us now for all your mobile app development needs and get a quotation with detailed cost estimation.

Oliver Baker

Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.

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