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Food Delivery App Development like Uber Eats, Deliveroo & Just Eat


Did you ever think of making money through an on-demand food delivery app like Uber Eats or Deliveroo? Well, I guess, it's the right time for you to get started as the on-demand food delivery apps have proven to be a lucrative investment for entrepreneurs while on the other hand, a challenging task for the app developers and an excellent service for the premium customers today.

The shape of the food delivery market today

The current market for food delivery stands nearly at $96 million, already developed in most countries, with an annual growth rate predicted at about 11% for the next five years.

on demand food delivery app development market 2018

Source: Statista

Till date, one of the most common forms of delivery is the conventional model, in which the customer places an order with the local restaurant and then awaits the restaurant to deliver it over to his/her place. This kind of conventional food delivery has more than 85% market share, and most of these food delivery orders are still placed by phone.

Today, in this post, we will see what it takes to build a food delivery app like UberEats or Deliveroo?

Kinds of On-demand Food Delivery Business Models

In the present food delivery plot, there are two types of food delivery startup models which are standing top in the list.

1. Aggregator Model

Taking the foundation of the conventional system of food delivery, the aggregator model-based startups act as a bridge that connects the restaurants and customers in the vicinity by providing a platform to the customers to browse through a variety of cuisines and restaurants to choose from. Now, being a 3rd-party food delivery applications, they offer support for ordering food for the customers and on the other hand, good exposure for the restaurants.

The customers can explore the restaurant's menu, reviews, feedback, etc. using the app. Once the customer places the order, the information will be passed along to the restaurant's kitchen. And then a delivery guy will be sent out for the food delivery. Zomato is a perfect example of this aggregator model.

2. Food Delivery Platforms with Logistics Support

Now, this model is completely different from the above one as it partners with restaurants with full logistics support. Unlike the aggregator model, the services in this model can be extended for profits to food joints and small restaurants to deliver food in an effortless way. For startups, who do not have enough resources to support their own delivery system, this model provides a lot of support and ease.

From a restaurant's perspective, this model will be a highly lucrative one as it completely rules out the necessity to maintain delivery staff, vehicles, etc. This is the preferred model for lucrative food delivery applications such as Deliveroo.

Important Features in an On-demand Food Delivery Apps

Image showing necessary features for Food Delivery App

Source: Dribbble

Numerous food delivery apps have made it sort of complex to tag just one app as the best. Various apps have various features to improve their user experience all around the world.

So then what is it that is an absolute requirement to develop a food delivery app like Just Eat and Deliveroo? Well, out of plenty there are some common features which have the power to determine the success of the application.

  • Online payments
  • Push notifications
  • Social integration
  • Loyalty programs and discounts
  • Profile customization
  • Order tracking
  • List of restaurants info based on location
  • Variety of cuisines
  • Reviews & Ratings

Usually, for apps like WhatsApp, we would build one app for all users. However, when it comes to food delivery apps, there are 4 categories of people that you would need to satisfy. Hence, you would need to create four different versions of the app based on the categories bifurcated:

  • Customers: Who would be ordering food on your app
  • Delivery Management: The delivery guys who would be delivering orders
  • Restaurants: The managers from your restaurant’s partners
  • Super Admin Panel: Lets the admin control the food delivery activities and entire business operations

Now, let's take a detailed look into each of these categories to get a better idea and understanding.

1. Customers

Food Ordering and Delivery customer module

For a better understanding purpose, let's assume how a typical customer would think.

  • SignUp and Account Setup

Of course, any user has to begin his/her journey by signing up first. By allowing the users to create their accounts in the application will let you build a deeper connection with your customers and offer them a shortcut way to quickly log in without going through the whole painful process every time they open your app.

At the least, your users should be quickly able to set up their account using a username and password along with the facility to link their cards for automatic payments. Enhanced account settings may include features like food/cuisine preferences, favourite restaurants, etc.

  • Find Restaurants

After successfully logging in, it is now time for them to look for what to eat and where to eat. And that is where the below mentioned features come into the picture:

  • Finding the nearest restaurants or eateries
  • Getting a detailed menu

Now, if you are so keen on providing all important features then you can include a search option as well so that your customers can use it for searching food dishes, restaurants, etc.

  • Place an Order

Once your customers decide where to eat and what to eat, they are now ready to place the order. At this stage, you should let your customers add and delete the food items as per their requirements.

Also, provide a summary of the food order before you confirm it. Because, if something has been added to the list by mistake they should be able to cancel the order or delete that particular dish from the order.

Pro Tip: Your customers will greatly appreciate if you also provide them with an option to get the food delivered at a specific time later and real-time tracking of their food.

  • Payment Time

You need to make sure that the in-app payments are encrypted, fast, and easy. Also, don't forget to include multiple payment options like credit/debit cards, internet banking, digital wallet, cash on delivery, etc.

  • Order Tracking

Now, GPS is being widely used by all food delivery apps like Deliveroo. Letting your customers know the status of their meal on maps will greatly improve the user experience of your customers.

  • Ratings and Reviews

Once your customers are done with receiving their food, let them give ratings and reviews of the restaurant and the delivery guy so that other customers can know about the restaurant's food.

2. Delivery Management

on demand food delivery management- delivery boy app development

When it comes to delivery guys, the app wouldn’t be as useful as it is for customers. However, you need to make sure it has all the necessary features. What are they? Let’s take a look.

  • Registration

Just like customers, your delivery guys should also register first by providing necessary information like mobile number, email, etc. They can either register using an email or mobile number in addition to providing some vital information. Also, make sure you provide an option of password recovery as well.

  • Handling Orders

Once the delivery guy's logged in, he should be able to see the active orders with all the pickup information such as where to deliver, size of the order, order pickup location, etc. In fact, this option should also provide them with the feasibility of approving or disapproving an order request either by accepting or rejecting it.

  • Status Update

After the delivery guy gets the order details, he should let the customer know the progress of his/her meal by sending a status message like accepted/rejected, picked up, or delivered.

There are three status messages that you can use in the app:

  • Order accepted/rejected by the restaurant
  • Order has been picked by the delivery guy
  • Order delivered to the address

Tip: For better management of orders, include in-app tracking from the pickup point to the delivery location.

3. Restaurants

on demand food delivery restaurant management module development

Just the way customers and delivery guys have their own features of the app, restaurants also have some of them. The first one on the list would be the admin panel so that they can manage all order requests from the customers.

  • Restaurant Registration

I wouldn't emphasise this point as you would already know. To be visible in the system, all restaurants have to create an account using their email address and creating a password. Just like for the customer and delivery personnel versions, this feature of the restaurant’s version should also have the password recovery option to it.

  • Admin Dashboard

This is more of an innate aspect than a feature like the rest when it comes to the restaurant version of the app. An admin panel is usually sort of web-based portal that assists the eateries and restaurants in seamlessly handling the entire process right from the moment they receive an order to making changes in the menu, order, etc.

  • Managing Content

In order to attract customers, restaurants have to publish relevant and engaging content. Therefore, it is essential to let the restaurant app managers do the following:

  • Add scrumptious, eye-catching food photos
  • Manage menus by adding or removing items, changing items’ prices, etc.
  • Add information about the restaurant such as working hours, contact numbers, the location of the restaurant, etc.
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  • Handling Orders

When customers place the order, the restaurant should be able to perform the following actions:

  • View the detailed order
  • Update status and notify the customer when the order is accepted and the delivery guy when the order is ready to be picked up
  • Access to all the current orders
  • Receiving Payments

Either via debit/credit cards, cash on payment, or any other mode of payment, the restaurant owner should receive the direct payment. Even if the payment is made via online, restaurants should receive only when the customer confirms that the order has been delivered.

4. Super Admin Panel

food delivery app Super Admin Panel

Might be the last version, but this version of the app is just as important as any other. So don’t even bother about skipping it.

  • Admin Login

Now, this version of the app will let the admin look over all the operations and activities of the food delivery system. The admin person will be responsible to manage both the restaurant and delivery guys. It is not necessary that only one person should play the admin role. If needed, you can add sub admins as well.

  • Managing the Restaurants

Now that the admin has complete control over the operations, she/he can add new restaurants to the list and enter into a partnership. Likewise, the admin can also choose to remove any restaurant that is getting bad reviews from the customers’ version of the app.

  • Managing the Application

Admin will have the complete authority to either add, delete, block users, restaurants, or even delivery guys from the database. He/she is the one who views the site banner and manages the application.

  • Management of the Payment

There should be a separate dashboard built that allows the admin to check all the payments that are already have been received and are in process from each and every order and the sources they came from.

  • Providing Discounts, Offers and Coupons

The admin can send various discounts and offers to his/her regular customers to keep them engaged. Admin can either wish to extend the offer or remove it.

  • Offering Technical Assistance

Usually, all the general kind of information and help will be provided by the restaurant owners. However, the technical assistance like something is not working in the app will be offered by the admin of the app. The admin can send all the necessary updates whenever the app has to be updated or any other big issue.

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What is the Best Technology Stack for Food Delivery App Development?

Using the right technology can make or break your food delivery business ideas. Choosing the most suitable technology for your requirement is the best foot forward.

Food delivery industry is always on the go, you need to be in a constant loop and keep the server and system up as there is tremendous inflow request all the time.

To manage delivery driver, restaurant business admin panel and user applications system you should have a best in business technology for your developing your food delivery app.

Here are the most recommended technology stack used to develop food delivery app:

  • Login: Facebook and Google
  • Cloud: Amazon Aurora or MySQL
  • Payment Gateway: Stripe, PayPal (Braintree), etc and for saving cards-
  • Location: CoreLocation, Google Location API, Mapbox location picker
  • Map and Navigation: MapKit, Mapbox, Google Map service
  • SMS and Call: Twilio and TokBox
  • Push Notifications: Firebase
  • Real-Time Analytics: Google Analytics
  • Programing Language: Java and Kotlin for Android. Swift, Objective C for iOS. Flutter for cross-platform
  • Backend: Codeigniter (Backend API), AngularJS (Backend UI), NodeJS (Socket and Application API)

What's the On-demand Food Delivery App Development Cost?

First of all, the costs of developing a food delivery app whether it is for an iOS device or Android device users vary from one food delivery app development company to the other. The final costs depend on the types of features, functionalities, etc. that you want to add in your food delivery app. In order to get an accurate quote, you would need to send your complete food delivery app requirements to us.

Intelivita, as the experienced food delivery app development company in providing cost-effective on-demand food delivery app solutions, will provide you with a comprehensive quotation and make you understand what kind of development costs go into building a food delivery app like Uber Eats and Deliveroo.

Wrapping Up

We foresee a robust growth curve for on-demand food delivery apps and a significant rise in their popularity in the years to come.

Now is the time to start your journey toward developing a food delivery app like Just Eat, Deliveroo, Uber Eats and makes a mark in the food industry as well as in the app world.

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Dhaval Sarvaiya

Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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