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How IoT is Going to Digitally Mobilize Top Business Sectors?

Although it has been almost a decade since some visionary in Massachusetts came up with the idea, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been one of the key concepts of 2017 and, surely, the one that will pay the most attention monopolizing in a future not already immediate, but in the long term. Many of the digital experts maintain that their deployment will be even more impressive than the network.

In effect, the idea behind the Internet of things is the digitalization and interconnection of all kinds of objects, devices and systems of the physical world, and the possibility of interacting with them in ways that were not possible until now or monitor a multitude of environments and activities - it allows us to anticipate the radical transformation that it will represent in the most disparate areas. From medicine to the primary sector, through the defence, administration or industrial manufacturing.

But so far there has been a lot of media emphasis on domestic IoT solutions offered by Google or Amazon. And staying with the ability to control by voice through our mobile home heating, a speaker with music or a security camera is not that impressive either. Therefore, without being exhaustive, I want to show you a little of what is behind.

Today I’m going to present 6 sectors in which the Internet of Things is already changing the rules of the game and that will inspire you. If yours is among them, it is the right time to catch up.

#1 Physical Commerce

IoT Applications in Physical Commerce

Of course, the different payment systems through mobile devices are already making the shopping experience more agile and secure, but it also opens the door to a greater personalization of the offer thanks to the data and interaction that is received from customers through of its applications, better theft detection systems, supervision of prices indicated in the shelves and inventories in stock, methods of controlling the affluence of the public to stores and knowledge of their behavior to offer a better response and more efficient use of space available.

#2 Agriculture

IoT Applications in Agriculture

Rustic and traditional? Do you really still think that? Well, it turns out that this is one of the sectors in which we are being given soups with honda in innovation. A good part of the efforts have been directed to the remote control of crops, which replace the need to be all day on the ground, as well as to improve and make more precise the readings of the factors that intervene on them. Sensors connected to mobile applications and tablets that offer data on the state of the soil, the evolution of plants or the presence of pests, as well as the use of drones to count fruits and examine their degree of maturation, are just some samples of how IoT can make the activity more productive.

#3 Medicine and Health

IoT Applications in Medicine and Health

If you are one of those who when going to the doctor is stunned to tell you what happens to you, do not remember anything that you said when you leave and you have to give cryptography courses to understand their prescriptions, the changes that come in The field of medicine and healthcare will seem most promising. The possibility of patients carrying devices that monitor their variables in real time, and that this information is recorded and available to professionals, allows a much more precise monitoring of its evolution, early detection of problems and even the creation of alerts in the case that an alteration of the parameters requires an immediate response. How about the GlucoSentry bracelet case that will allow continuous monitoring of glucose levels of diabetic patients through an intelligent bracelet, making the lives of its users and families much easier.

#4 Manufacturing Industry

IoT Applications in the Manufacturing Industry

If I describe all the contributions that the Internet of things is offering to the manufacturing industry…. you would never finish reading this article. The manufacturing sector has seen more clearly the return on an investment of this type and has acted accordingly. The interconnection of the machines used in manufacturing serves to predict their behaviour and anticipate breakdowns, optimize their availability, energy consumption and mechanical adjustments or solve logistical problems of all kinds. But tools and interfaces are also being enabled to maintain a more fluid and dynamic contact with customers, who can be consulted more directly on the designs and guide changes to adapt to their demand.

#5 Urban Planning and Municipal Management

Iot Applications in Urban Planning and Municipal Management

Maybe when you suffer the jam of every morning or six laps to the block to park you remember our optimism. But although more slowly than we would like, many of the solutions used in cities to refine their operation and make them more efficient are already integrated into our daily lives. From the parking with monitors that tell us how many free spaces are left to traffic information that anticipates possible problems and offers us alternatives. And there is much more: detection of problems such as updated maps of noise or pollution, adjustments of public lighting to light and atmospheric conditions, environmental prevention.

#5 Logistics and Transport

IoT Applications in Logistics and Transport

Let's go saying goodbye to the image of those rough and lonely truckers who communicate only by radiofrequency and the messengers who play their necks for finding an impossible shortcut: the applications to optimize routes of distribution and distribution, the image systems to control the locations available in warehouses and discover at every moment the disposition that best uses the space or the monitoring instruments of the fleets already mark the difference between the more and less technologically advanced companies.

End note:

We are strongly convinced that the new apps for IoT app development must be accessible to everyone, quickly and economically. This is why our offer is structured according to the needs of our customers.

Depending on the complexity of the service requested we can propose a standardized plan that offers a wide range of app development and consulting services at unbeatable prices!

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  • IoT
  • Dhaval-Author
    Dhaval Sarvaiya

    Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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