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8 Questions to Ask Your Web Development Team

Finding the right web developer team to help you achieve your end goals is like putting together a puzzle – every piece has to fit in, whether in terms of expertise or so on.

If one piece is missing or doesn't fit, your puzzle will take longer to complete or, worse, fall apart. This leads to wasted time and resources.

So, how can you ensure all the pieces are put together seamlessly? Keep reading as we list the most important web development team questions to ask.

1. How Do You Define Your Standard Process for Developing a Website?

To start off, you'd want to work with a team that is experienced in building a website. Otherwise, you'll waste time figuring out the technicalities.

Let's say your team already has a checklist in place. As an evaluator, it's necessary to have foundational knowledge of web development stages, which usually consist of:

  • Problem analysis.
  • System architecture and UX/UX planning.
  • Front-end and back-end development.
  • Testing.
  • Deployment.
  • Maintenance.

While these rules are not set in stone, it's crucial for the web development team you're hiring to cover at least some of these basics.

At Intelivita, we combine best web development practices with agile methodology. If you're looking for a partner who emphasizes constant improvements and consistent collaboration, contact us today.

2. Do You Have Any Experience With Similar Projects?

Every industry has its specific requirements and challenges. Therefore, collaborating with a professional web development agency that understands such landscapes will be helpful.

Since they've taken on similar projects before, they'll help lower and mitigate the risks that may arise with any problem your specific industry may face.

Plus, they're well-versed enough to give you advice to guide you in the right direction.

If you'd like to build a website, for instance, they already have prior insights into the market you're targeting.

In other words, they know what style of design to adapt and what specific features to add.

3. Can You Explain the Skills You Have for Developing the Website?

When it comes to building a website, there are various skills to possess.

From the technical side alone, you'll need to find professionals who are adept enough in the tech stack or programming languages your tech is using.

However, that alone is not enough. There are still areas to take care of regarding web design and search engine optimization (SEO).

Some agencies often specialize only in a few specific skill sets.

If you want to save time, go with an all-in-one agency such as Intelivita. With 12+ years of experience in their belt, their portfolios are spread across industries while taking in mind the most trendy tech available today.

Even if you're looking for developers knowledgeable in highly niche web development tools, ask us away.

4. Can You Explain How You Handle the Project Management for the Website?

Knowing the estimated project timeline ensures that your web development processes stay on track and help avoid unexpected costs.

Ask how the agency maps out their technical project. Go into the specifics of the project management methodology they follow.

The biggest challenge when building a website is the many features you need to develop, which cannot be completed overnight. And perhaps, you eventually won't build all the suggestions and ideas that pop up.

This is where prioritization becomes necessary, and the team you're hiring has to understand this concept well.

Ask them if they have faced any blockers that can potentially postpone their time-to-market.

From there, you'll have transparency into how they eventually manage to finish the tasks before the deadline.

5. How Do You Communicate When There Are Blockers?

Working with an external party requires constant, effective communication.

If you have a problem coordinating, there will be a lot of confusion, which will lead to project delays, which will cost more money.

Yes, you can work with the industry's most expert web development team, but you need to ensure they're also experts in client communications.

This way, you can focus on other tasks without much micromanagement.

6. Will the Website Be Custom-Made or Template-Based?

The answer to this boils down to your preferences and sometimes your industry needs.

A custom website costs more and takes longer to develop, but it is a suitable choice for enterprises looking to establish their own brand.

Template-based websites are more affordable and relatively quick, even easy to set up. That's what makes this the perfect option for small-to-medium businesses (SMBs).

As time goes on, though, certain ‘customizations' might find their way in. Therefore, the scalability of your website design must also be considered.

7. How Do You Ensure the Website Has Great Security?

If you have the most beautiful website but one riddled with security loopholes, all your effort will be wasted.

Cyber attacks, hacking attempts, and data leaks will easily occur, damaging your business and reputation in the long run.

Discuss the security measures your web development agency will implement. These can range from secure coding practices and regular security audits to HTTPs enforcement and malware protection.

If needed, request extra layers of security for sensitive information like user profiles.

8. What Is the Estimated Cost for Web Development?

So, you find an agency that matches all your requirements. It turns out that their costs of website development are way out of your budget.

And yet, there are unexpected expenses that you'll have to prepare for.

In any case, understand the lowest and highest points of your market rate to back up your arguments.


Even if your developer is from a professional web development agency, key considerations must still be made to ensure the process goes smoothly and meets your expectations.

Aligning your vision and specific needs with them will help develop a website that perfectly represents your business.

The best web development team knows how to communicate effectively and is open to questions about the costs of building the website of your dreams.

Intelivita, with a team of more than 70 experts, has completed nearly 500 web projects over 12 years. This is your chance to bring your website vision to life and achieve your business goals.

Check out Intelivita now, and let's work together to grow your business!

Posted In:
  • Web Development
  • Dhaval-Author
    Dhaval Sarvaiya

    Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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