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5+ Tips to Speed Up Mobile Development for Android Apps

More often than not, dominating the app industry means releasing your product before everyone else. Take Facebook as an example.

Released two decades ago, Facebook preceded the likes of Instagram and X, and as a result, it still tops the social media market share today.

But how do you speed up mobile development without compromising quality? Don't worry, as this article will explore some of the best practices for rapid Android development.

How to Speed Up Mobile Development for Android Apps?

The easiest method to speed up development time is to work with a reliable Android app development agency.

That said, if you want to build one yourself, here are some tips to accelerate your Android app development:

1. Implement Agile Methodology

Among the many approaches that can be used in app development, Agile is one of the most efficient.

Such methodology prompts you to divide the development process into sprints, starting with creating a minimum viable product (MVP).

Each sprint consists of complete development steps, from planning to evaluation. Clients' feedback received at the end of every sprint is then implemented into the next one to improve the MVP.

Due to the collaborative nature of Agile, developers will be able to find errors and unnecessary features early on, making it an important way to speed up mobile development.

This is in contrast with traditional development methodologies, such as Waterfall, where developers build full-fledged software before asking clients for feedback.

Troubleshooting problems after you develop a complex app will take longer, adding up to the already high cost of Android app development.

2. Start With A Low-Fidelity Wireframe

Designing app interfaces can be quicker if you start by opting for a low-fidelity wireframe. This blueprint contains basic shapes that represent the overall layout of your app.

Creating a low-fidelity wireframe allows you to come up with a user interface proposal a lot faster than designing it in full, therefore boosting Android build speed.

More importantly, you will also be able to perfect the sketch before building the final mockup with the help of clients' feedback.

This method aligns perfectly with the Agile approach that we've discussed earlier.

3. Use Third-Party Libraries

Coding from scratch will slow down development progress.

Therefore, you should include third-party libraries or frameworks in your tech stack for Android development.

Think of them as code templates that you can use to add various features into your app or enhance its performance.

For example, using Glide can make loading pictures and videos into apps quicker since it uses less of the device memory.

However, you should be careful when choosing libraries.

While they can speed up mobile development, not all of them are actively maintained. Some are even abandoned.

Outdated frameworks do not only have security loopholes but also bugs that can conflict with other third-party libraries.

Due to that reason, you need to check the credibility of each library by checking the frequency of updates they get in their GitHub repository.

4. Automate Testing

Developers now have the advantage of using automation tools like Appium and Espresso to test their work. With that in mind, there is no need for time-consuming manual app trials.

Handling multiple complex test scenarios simultaneously is not the only ability that testing tools contribute to rapid Android development.

They can also minimise false positives that may come up during manual testing.

Be mindful, though. Automation tools speed up mobile development but they can only be used to do quantitative tests, including loading speed and menu navigation.

Luckily, that's not necessarily a big deal.

While running automated quantitative tests, developers have the time to assess subjective aspects of their app, such as the aesthetics.

5. Outsource Your Development Team

One of the most important Android development tips to speed up the process is outsourcing developers.

Recruiting an in-house developer may take up to 40 days. That does not include the time required for onboarding and training.

Meanwhile, looking for an app development partner can be as quick as a week. If you are looking to speed up mobile development, that is the quality that you need.

Furthermore, a reputable Android development agency has experts who understand development best practices, the latest industry trends, and the right tools.

With that in mind, they can kickstart your app creation a lot sooner and avoid spending too much time on trials and errors.


Boosting Android build speed without jeopardising the quality is possible if you know the best practices.

Following the Agile methodology, utilising frameworks, and automating tests are some of the most essential steps.

But if you do not have in-house developers, partnering with a trusted Android app development agency like Intelivita is the best solution.

Our team of seasoned developers know how to make the most out of your budget.

Wait no more and contact us today!

Dhaval Sarvaiya

Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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