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How Much Does It Cost to Build a Website In UK?


What does a website mean to business?

In the modern age of increasing internet usage, a website is a front for businesses where users interact and transact. Small business website help bring traffic and generate leads boosting sales.

eCommerce retail websites are the online versions of offline stores. So, customers can browse products, consider, and purchase from the website.

So, there is no denying that website development is crucial to your business. However, more than just developing a website, creating a unique experience is essential.

A user will notice your website within 50 milliseconds, and developing a site that can attract customers within such a short span needs unique features.

Developing business-specific features and creating a unique experience will require resources.

The cost of website development in the UK varies greatly based on the complexity and features required. Website prices in UK typically range from £10,000 to £110,000 or more

Resource requirements, website type, size, and feature complexity influence the final cost.

  • A simple website with basic hosting, domain name, design, and development ranges from £10,000 to £40,000.
  • An advanced website with social media integration, multi-page functionality, and responsive design can cost between £40,000 to £80,000.
  • A complex website with AI-based intelligent features can cost up to £110,000 or more.

So, if you are wondering, ”how much does it cost to build a website UK?”

Here are the answers. We will discuss each aspect affecting the website development cost in the UK and ways to develop unique user experiences for your business.

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Top Factors That Affect Website Development Cost in the UK

A website needs different resources for development, deployment, and optimization purposes.

For example, if you use a DIY platform or drag-and-drop website builder, which is unrestricted, there will be a cost for domain names and hosting services. Similarly, a feature-rich website needs third-party integrations than a DIY site. You may also need a CMS for your website development which increases the creation cost.

In other words, developing a WordPress site differs from website builders like Wix. So making a website will cost more if you are using a CMS compared to a simple drag-and-drop platform.

Hosting and domain costs

Domain names are popularly termed website addresses. For example, if you use a URL like, is the domain name. Choosing a domain name that aligns with your brand is essential.

Many domain names are available for which the costs vary from £15 to £150 per year.

On the other hand, web hosting is different from domain names. Every website consists of varying computer files that need a storage place.

Users can access data of the website from such storage or web server. You can either build your web server or choose a hosting service.

If your website has massive data building, a server for your website can be expensive, so hosting the site makes more sense. Plus, you also need to consider the cost of SSL certificates if hosting services does not bundle it with their offerings.

Web hosting involves hiring a company’s resources to host your website, costing anywhere between £4 and £79 per month.

Some companies provide bundled hosting services that cover domain names and SSL certifications. So, you need to choose the hosting service optimally to reduce the website development cost in the UK.

Website design costs

Web design is one of the most crucial aspects of developing a site because it forms the basis of user experience. So, if you want an answer to the question- how much does a website cost in the UK? The answer begins with the design stage.

It requires hours of planning and research for web designers to ensure a seamless experience. This means you need an experienced website designer that can deliver responsive designs. So, finding the right web design agency becomes crucial for the design stage.

It is important to note that the website design cost will vary depending on the design type, time spent designing, and other activities.

The designing stage is where a web designer forms the wireframe for your own website.

Implementing the framework and building the website happens in the development stage.

Process Approximate cost Approximate hours needed Average per hour cost
Planning £76-£114 4-6 hours £19
Research £76-£114 4-6 hours £19
Design £114-£152 6-8 hours £19
Build £228-£684 12-36 hours £19
Test & prototyping £152-£190 8-10 hours £19

Designing stage is where you form a wireframe for your application. Implementing the framework and building the website happens in the development stage.

Web development stage

The development stage involves the implementation of the framework, the development of the architecture, and the testing of the builds. Development cost accounts for 60% of the total expenses of a website project.

So, getting web development right becomes crucial for many organizations to optimize the cost of setting up a website. You must be mindful of different factors affecting the UK web development costs, including expenses of site maintenance and security.

Let’s understand some of these factors.

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Cost of Website Development Based on the Type of Site

Websites differ based on specific business requirements. For example, the development of an eCommerce website differs from that of an interior designer's personal blog or basic website for portfolio site.

Type of website Approximate cost Development timeframe Average per hour developer salary
eCommerce £30,400 1600 hours £19
Social media £38,000 2000 hours £19
SaaS £34,200 1800 hours £19
Enterprise £39,900 2100 hours £19
B2C marketplace £38,000 2000 hours £19

An eCommerce website will have product pages, checkout pages, home pages, and more. It also requires the integration of payment gateways, advanced search, and other features. The development cost differs based on the type of website and its features.

Now, considering an average salary of £19 per hour for a web developer in the UK, the cost of developing an eCommerce website can be approximately £30,400.

However, it is essential to understand that this is an approximate estimate which can vary from project to project. Estimating the cost of building a website requires consideration of hourly pricing.

It varies for different locations, even in the same country. For example, the cost of hiring a web developer in London differs from that in Bristol.

Web Development Cost in the UK: Based on Location

United Kingdom is home to many tech hubs like Cambridge, London, Manchester, and more. A Technation report shows that Cambridge attracted £4.56 billion worth of investment in 2020.

On the other hand, London has been the technology center of the United Kingdom, with £327 million in tech startup investments in 2020.

With multiple cities being the center of technology excellence, the United Kingdom is a go-to location for web development projects. However, cost of building a website in the UK is not uniform and differs from city to city.

However, the web development cost in the UK differs from city to city.

Location Average per year salary for hiring a website developer
London £55,743
Cambridge £68,411
Manchester £40,271
Edinburgh £40,794
Bristol £38,550

For example, a web developer’s average salary per year in Cambridge is £68,411.

On the other hand, the per-year average wage for a web developer in London is £55,743. However, location-based costs can vary based on the engagement approach also.

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Website Development Cost Estimation Based on the Engagement Model

How you engage web developers affects the web development costs. For example, hiring an in-house development team costs more than engaging with a web development company. So, you need to consider what engagement model you choose to build a website and price estimation.

  • In-house development teams

There are multiple talent requirements when you hire an in-house team. Web development includes a front end, back end, project management, testing, and quality assurance activities.

So, you need to hire multiple talents increasing the cost of development.

Talent requirements Average salary per year
Frontend developers £55,051
Backend developers £63,189
Full stack developers £56,512
Project manager £47,068
Website tester £34,584
  • Freelancers for website development

Web development costs reduce with freelancers. However, there are cons to hiring freelancers. Organizations hire freelancers for specific roles, technologies, or development activities, so they need to hire more than one freelancer increasing the cost of development.

Further, freelancers also work on several projects simultaneously, reducing their focus on your project. So, your website price keeps increasing due to reworks and erroneous development practices.

According to Indeed, a freelancer’s annual salary in the UK is £16,999. If you compare the costs of hiring a freelancer with an in-house team, you can observe a reduction in expenses.

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However, hiring freelancers does not ensure high quality, and there are collaboration issues to resolve.

  • Hiring a web development company

Web development company offers many advantages that neither an in-house team nor a freelancer can compete with.

Some of the key benefits of a website development company are:

  • Comprehensive technical support and better coordination
  • Reduces compliance issues
  • Offers higher flexibility of adding resources
  • Addition of a new feature does not require extra expense
  • Provides SEO-friendly website for better rankings

So, when you should look to hire a web development company?

Here are some of the use cases for a web development company:

  • You need a feature-rich website
  • Your website will have third-party integrations which require custom APIs
  • You are looking to build on-demand service websites
  • Your businesses need a data analytics platform with real-time updates
  • You want to build an eCommerce website with product pages across categories

How Can Intelivita Help Create a Website for You?

Intelivita is a leading web development company in the UK that offers custom web development solutions.

So, our solutions are tailor-made to specific requirements, whether you want to make a website for your hardware business or an online food ordering service.

Likewise, when New Haven Cafe wanted an online platform for its customers, Intelivita helped them create a website with unique features. Customized menus, order management, access to working hour data, and more.

Our solution enables New Haven Cafe with:

  • High performance and faster loading website
  • Optimized cost and efficient development
  • SEO optimizations for higher traffic
  • Reliable backend architecture to handle peak loads
  • Secure web experience for customers
  • Real-time notifications

In a fast pacing online economy, having a reliable website for your business is vital.

So, if you want to create a website and are worried about high web development costs in the UK, get in touch with our experts!

Image showing web development costs in the UK

Posted In:
  • Web Development
  • Dhaval-Author
    Dhaval Sarvaiya

    Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and mobile app development challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.

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