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Benefits of Mobile Apps to Empower & Speed Up Your Business in 2018

Have you ever tried to find out why your business needs a mobile app?

Mobile apps are not just for large companies: even small and medium-sized businesses can benefit from them.

When Intelivita suggest an app for business to a small or medium-sized company, we generally get a series of objections. Here are the most common.

"We do not see the need... we are a small company"

"What could we use a mobile app?"

"We are a B2B company, we do not directly address the public. As a result, it's a kind of visibility we do not need ".

"We do not have the necessary budget"

These are understandable observations, but based on prejudices rather than on concrete data; biases that risk damaging the company, foreclosing access to the benefits of the development of corporate mobile apps.

Whether we are talking about SMEs or large companies, mobile is considered the last frontier in terms of business. We are not talking about the simple creation of a corporate showcase or e-commerce site, but rather of the development of apps for the improvement of company functions and processes.

Just a quick look at the app stores to realize the number of apps available to those who want to increase the efficiency of their work and improve the business strategy. In the last ten years, we have learned to rely on mobiles and mobile apps to manage everyday activities and make more timely and accurate decisions.

Mobile technology has not only shaped the ecosystem we all live in but has also contributed to the emergence of a new generation of customers, which American analysts have renamed as digital customers. Thanks also to this passage of witness, in the last year the smartphone officially reached the status of the first screen:

  • In 2015, mobile searches exceeded those arriving from desktops
  • The optimization of its mobile presence has become a primary parameter in the algorithm of Google (and it will be even more in the near future, with the integration of the AMP
  • Mobile apps already collect 86% of the total time spent by people on mobile devices

Those involved in digital marketing are thus experiencing the dual nature of publishers and users. The question arises: In a world where customers trust body and soul to the power of the smartphone, why should not even marketing professionals do it? Furniture is not only the most important touch point for customer engagement but also one of the cornerstones of digital transformation.

What we want to do today is to guide you through the wide range of solutions that a mobile app development company can offer to your business.

Data Collection App


We can find many advantages using mobile technology for data collection and this for every type of goal and business environment.

First, it must be said that the app can acquire a wide range of data, including audio, video, photos, GPS position, and text, thus eliminating the need to use different equipment and thus reduce the transportation difficulties of the latter.

Another advantage is that of having a smaller percentage of error in processing the data.

The digital data collection modules, in fact, can also incorporate control functions that help the compilation of the data, reporting in real time any error or inaccuracy. Examples of data control are mandatory fields or more sophisticated features such as rejecting certain characters or executing queries.

Immediate viewing of data through mobile-based applications can also quickly identify problems before analysis. The application in every day of all these possibilities is really varied.

For example, if we needed to interact with the Authorities compared to illegal activities, the mobile data collection would allow a quick and timely solution.

App for The Lead Generation


One of the most important roles that a mobile app should fulfil within a global marketing strategy is to lead generation tool. On many levels, mobile applications are better than social media because they favour interaction and personalization of localized communication.

As the pursuit of retention becomes increasingly competitive, companies need to use all the tools to get qualified contacts and build lasting relationships with new and above all existing customers. With the ability to collect very precise data related to the position of the user, telephone operator, phone model and other similar information, an iOS or Android mobile application is a valuable tool for customer profiling.

For example, localization allows you to create push notifications, offering customers a promotional code and at the same time, indicate in real time how to get to your business on foot or by car.

The use of push notifications compared to the classic notifications will increase the probability that they will be displayed immediately and, consequently, the greater involvement of the customer. Moreover, if users understand that promotions are created specifically for them, they will feel special and will be more willing to share personal information and interact more frequently with your business through the app. This will greatly strengthen the customer-company relationship, giving a significant boost to the business.

App for Product Demo

A convincing demonstration is the best way to bring out the qualities of a product. The applications created in order to display demos are an exceptional support for the launch of a new article contributing to demonstrate its performance. This will guide the possible future buyer through a learning process that will lead him to appreciate the product even before the actual purchase.

App to Support Sales Agents

Many companies base their business on the work of sales agents. In this case, the development of a mobile app should focus on creating a platform that allows access to product catalogues, sales presentations and all the tools to assist the agent with customer appointments. The application would provide better analysis and faster feedback.

App for Employees


Working from home with performances equal to those obtained in the office is possible. In fact, many software is introducing apps that allow staff to work efficiently even from a mobile.

Being smart, for a company, means responding to the needs of people and now more than ever we need innovative solutions for everyone. The Android or iOS app development that provides business services, based on the study of data, is now an imperative for an effective business.

Mobile Apps for Businesses


The days when the most popular utilities were within reach of the IT office nerds are behind us. These were the times of desktop software, now that the smartphone has revolutionized the world of productivity applications, which have conquered the stores to the sound of attractive words like Omni-channels and clouds.

There is so much meat on fire that the search for the best apps to empower your business with mobile applications can help you optimize your strategy. A paradox we want to solve with this list of the top 5 best mobile apps for businesses.Their promise is tempting: Make life easier and help organize your daily routine and activities more effectively.


On the official website, Expensify is described as the system of automation of expenses built for employees and loved by administrators. And this is true. Whenever you need to track business expenses, you can count on this useful application, which allows you to save receipts, monitor mileage on business trips, and create expense reports quickly and easily.


Those who work within a team know well the feeling of frustration that comes when you can not keep track of all the tasks assigned to the different members. Slack is a communication platform designed specifically for collaborative work, which is why it integrates perfectly with other applications such as Dropbox, Drive, and Asana. You can create boards for different projects or topics, and fill in the holes day after day so that everyone is on the same page.


One of the merits of the app is to have eliminated many company silos, and the organization and management of projects are certainly one of the unhinged taboos. Basecamp allows you to organize the entire project and assign tasks to different people, facilitating workflow management and communication. What does not hurt, the service is integrated with the desktop version and is completely free.

4. ToDoList

If your daily agenda is so full that sometimes you can not find the tangle of meetings and things to do, then Todoist is the answer to your hidden desires. It is a productivity application that allows you to hold the reins of your professional life, seamlessly between different devices. You can organize the lists with tags and categories, so you always know what to do and when.


How to manage meetings when out of the office or on a business trip? GoToMeeting is one of the best services that allow you to participate in meetings and conference calls with clients and colleagues. The app version is the perfect complement to the web version, with the undoubted merit of facilitating collaboration from anywhere. All you need is a smartphone and a data connection (whose consumption is optimized to not leave dry).

Final Thoughts

Until a few years ago, the creation of applications for a business was something that only the biggest and most technological could afford to do.

These were considered simply as a key symbol of distinction from competitors and not as an instrument able to satisfy customers. Thanks to the advance of technology, today the situation has completely overturned. A brand without application is very easily excluded in favour of competitors. So, to remain competitive in the market it is essential that your company has an application. The potential of a mobile app is truly endless and allows you to give a new impetus to business and corporate image.

The professionalism of Intelivita the mobile app development company will best satisfy your requests and, of course, those of your customers!

Share your problems and we will suggest a solution in the form of a mobile app that could help grow your business manifolds.

Tuhin Bhatt

Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company with offices in the UK and India. He has expertise in Mobile Game, iOS, Android, AR and VR app technologies. With flawless command over mobile app development, Tuhin also has a passion to share his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. His write-ups are usually based on Technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.

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