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How Mobile eCommerce will Rule the Future of Online Business

Mobile eCommerce, also known as mCommerce isn't a new term.

The term was first tossed by Kevin Duffey in 1997 and since then has made a commendable space in the tech world. Today, being mobile friendly isn’t just a technological integration but has transformed as a need for every online business.

According to a report, the mobile search traffic of Google is whooping 96%.

Well, this isn’t all, the same report also unveils those websites that open in less than 5% on mobile, have comparatively longer sessions.

Intelivita is an eCommerce web design and development agency provideing digital-focused experiences to your customers.

Connect with our experienced professionals that can assist you in selecting the most effective eCommerce solutions to differentiate your website in a highly competitive market.

What’s Driving the Force?

Around four years back Alibaba got listed on the New York Stock Exchange at the value of $231 Billion. It was at this moment that attracted global investors and entrepreneurs towards the online retail industry. However, not each of them got the results with the same essence.

Undoubtedly, the reasons behind could have been different but the primary reason noticed was, lack of mobility and responsiveness.

The chart below, which is the result of an intense study will help you understand the growth rate better:

Go Mobile!!

After closely analyzing the market trends and learning about strategies followed by big industries, we can say that behind the increasing popularity of mobile commerce is the feasibility and ease of providing information.

Besides these two, we have also noticed innovative inclusions making space in the world of mCommerce.

To ensure that you reach your set targets and surpass your competitors, we have here listed a few trends will be defining the future of mobile eCommerce. Let’s start:

#1 Evolution of Augmented Reality

As discussed lately that mobility can be considered as a synonym for growth whilst talking about mobile commerce. Through Augmented Reality got acknowledged after the launch of AR mobile game PokemonGo, we believe that there is a lot more in AR yet to be explored.

The same can be noticed in the recent announcements, where recognized brands like Amikasa and Sephora have shown their interest in integrating Augmented Reality into their mobile commerce platform.

Looking at this massive inclination, smartphone manufacturing companies and numerous app developers have started to bring innovative concepts and ideas to use AR in different industries.

#2 Smarter Mobile Messengers and Chatbots

If you are tuned to mobile e-commerce updates, you’ll probably be aware of some of the recent boarders like H&M, Starbucks, and Nordstrom, who integrated chatbots to their mobile platform. The technology lets you interact and solve queries of your customers on a real-time basis.

Recently eMarketer revealed that 54.4% social media users prefer using messenger applications to interact with brands. The figures clearly indicate the market these two technologies can avail to your online business.

Another example of technology helping buyers to shop can be Amazon Echo, Alexa which has indeed made an impeccable space in the hearts of the global audience.

Do you want to take your business online?

If you looking to take your traditional business online or want to develop an ecommerce marketplace, you are at right place. Our experts can help. Talk to us today.

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#3 Automation

Probably we are talking about the most important change technology has brought in our lives. The phrase ‘time’s money’ seems to have made a deep space in today’s world. With the help of automation tools, one can generate loyalty programs, aggregate product reviews etc.

If for once we keep the massive list aside and talk only about social media marketing and email marketing campaigns, automation has indeed garnered businesses with enhanced engagement and better conversions.

#4 Fraud Prevention and Detection

Ok, this might be at the second last on our list, though is a rising concern not only among users but also online entrepreneurs. We all have noticed the impact of IoT on raising security concerns.

Undoubtedly there has been tremendous changes integrated, but it is speculated that the coming years will notice the unmatched contribution of technology in preserving user data and other vital information and transactions.

Also, we would be noticing a hike in one click payment technology. Although currently, this is kind of monopoly for Amazon, thanks to Apple and Google that are now scrambling over the solution.

#5 Quicker Shipping

We can’t deny that people prefer mobile commerce for its instant response. In lieu of same, quicker shipping will be another trend in the coming years. You might have heard about the introduction of drone shipping. It is speculated that the same will soon replace (partially if not completely) the traditional delivery ways.

Experts are working on the technology to make it more pocket-friendly for both the buyer and the seller. Also, they are looking for ways to make it more effective. Having said this, you definitely will have to look for more ways to deliver products to their end users faster and safer.


Our mobile app development team keeps itself updated with recent technology trends and upcoming innovations. This helps us to build more customized and innovative solutions for our clients, eventually making them surpass the market hurdles.

Experts at Intelivita firmly believe that to sustain in this ultra-competitive mobile commerce market, innovation is the key to excel ahead of your competitors and make an invincible space in the hearts of your target audience.

The team of certified and experienced masters ensure building a techtive (technology+creative) approach to every solution they build. In case you have any query, do contact us.

Oliver Baker

Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.

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