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The Top 4 Augmented Reality Trends of 2020 You Need to Know

It has been a few years now that AR is marching its way impeccably to the mainstream appeal. Technology is swiftly building new benchmarks and is making a broader way for industrial applications. Even the companies are readily accepting and looking for further scopes with enterprise augmented reality solutions.

It hasn’t been long that the two tech giants Apple and Google shared words surrounding ARKit and ARCore respectively. Looking at these, it is believed that the year 2020 will witness more of mainstream achievements in the technology.

A recently published report shared that augmented reality is growing and getting accepted at a pace faster than it was expected to. Also, the analysts and researchers now have enough data to understand and predict the growth of AR technology. The report also unveils the role mobile technology will be playing in the evolution of augmented reality and making it reach to the global masses.

What’s driving the storm?

Virtual Reality came way before then Augmented Reality and was considered as ‘the next big thing’ in the world of technology. However, with the advent of augmented reality businesses soon understood its potential and began integrating it in their businesses with the sole intention to make most out of their marketing plans and be the first-mover in the ultra-competitive tech world.

Wondering how to surpass competitors with AR?

With all the attention and expertise to make your business grow, augmented reality app development has indeed gained eyeballs of the global audience. However, when it comes about implementation, there’s a lot of chaos and confusion around.

Well, you can’t put the blames, it’s just the lack of knowledge about the recent trends and future prospects with the implementation that you have in mind.

Now that we are at the beginning of 2020, it is essential to learn the future Augmented Reality trends of 2020. Knowing this will be beneficial in further implementing them in your marketing strategies.

Let’s have a look at future augmented reality trends:

1. Beyond Virtual Reality

The journey of VR reality has been slow-paced in comparison the expectations and prediction made by experts. While there have been numerous reasons behind the slow performance, it is believed that part role was due to the extra time consumed by shipments, resulting in the cancellation of orders. Another reason for its failure was the money required to use them. Especially the HUD (Heads Up Device) like HTC Vive and Oculus required expensive ultra-powerful desktop counterpart to access applications and games. Now when we compare its performance with AR, Pokemon Go in its first quarter over $600 million in revenue. Well, if this surprises you, you must note that the three-month revenue was more than the valuation of the VR market in 2016. While many claims that the game isn’t actually an AR app, we can’t deny that it indeed played a crucial role in transforming the technology and bringing it into the mainstream market. For the year 2020, you can, without any second thought expect to have AR applications for ARCore and ARKit.

2. Wide Adoption by Brands

A few months back we saw the launch of Ikea’s flagship AR app, which allows the buyers to experience an all-new way to engage themselves with furniture. The application lets users drop 3D objects in their home using their smartphone or tablet’s camera. The launch of the application has indeed worked as a game changer in the corporate world and is expected to gain more attention commercially. Though the generated revenue is still unknown, its popularity and acceptability is something that can be clearly said. Also, it isn’t just the retailers who are expected to relish success with AR technology but also the other industries like oil and gas, financial services, construction, healthcare etc. will be building new standards.  

3. Mobile AR will March its Way Ahead

If we go with the words of Mark Zuckerberg, Satya Nadella, and Tim Cook, Pokemon Go can be considered as an early knock of the following AR success stories. In fact, Tim Cook has talked about and accepted the role of AR in Apple’s future commercial strategy. Though, as of now, there are certain restrictions, but it is believed that soon they’ll be solved. The restrictions primarily include a ‘Hero’ device, mobile connectivity capability, all-day battery life, and app store ecosystem. However, amidst all, the major challenge is to surpass the issues related to battery life (glimpses can be noticed in Apple’s AR glasses). It is believed that Mobile AR will indeed play a crucial role in assisting to overcome these changes and make its way in the mainstream market. The summary of the entire conversation is just to highlight that the coming day can undoubtedly give birth to wider trends, with companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook showing their interest in AR.

4. Replacement Cycles can be Next Stealth Weapon

When we talk about smartphone sales, a good number of countries have touched the point of saturation. It has been seen that users keep changing their smartphones from time to time (whether needed or not), however, brands like Google and Apple are concerned about the increasing gap between this replacement cycle. While previously on an average, a user used to change his/her smartphone every 18 months, but the same has now touched the mark of three years. While analysts at Apple have started noticing the decline in sales, the role of AR is getting more vital. AR here is considered to be a new trend which will be served to people across the globe. With is already available fully integrated tech ecosystem, it won’t be difficult for them to avail AR integrated smartphones to users without any additional cost. You read that right, the market is close to a massive disruption.


Augmented Reality has shown its expertise commendable and has commendable votes in its pocket for the future. Looking at the current trend and market status, it is believed that the AR technology will break the stereotypes and create a larger space for itself in the global market.

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  • Augmented Reality
  • Tuhin-Author
    Tuhin Bhatt

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company with offices in the UK and India. He has expertise in Mobile Game, iOS, Android, AR and VR app technologies. With flawless command over mobile app development, Tuhin also has a passion to share his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. His write-ups are usually based on Technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.

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