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5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid When Developing a Mobile App Startup

Today we can say that there’s an app for everything. The world of mobile applications has grown significantly over the last decade allowing many individuals on their way towards becoming an entrepreneur.

According to a report by Statista, in March 2017 around 2.8 million apps were available for download from the Google play store alone:

The Market is Booming

The above statistics show that from the third quarter of 2016 through to the first quarter of 2018, a total of 6,140 mobile apps were launched on Google Play
The figures are huge and experts believe that the market will only expand in the coming years.

Despite such massive growth in the market, we can name only a few mobile applications and publishers. Ever wondered why? It is believed that the reason behind the massive gap is due to a few key mistakes, that startups do while developing and operating a mobile application:

1. Muddling and Shoddy App Concepts:

When it comes to exhibiting an application in the market, with no unmistakable arranging, the application will undoubtedly fizzle. On the off chance that you are dealing with a startup, at that point, it is very critical to have an unmistakable comprehension of your application which incorporates: plan, highlights, functionalities, and engineering. With a specific end goal to build up an application for your business, endeavour to assemble as much data as you can from comparative organizations exhibited in the market. Ensure that you have appropriate research to have an easy-to-understand application.

2. Deciding the Platform: 

During the advancement of an application, you may experience a troublesome circumstance where you need to browse running with cross-stage or choosing the local stage. Since the two stages have their own preferences and inconveniences, it is hard to pick. Along these lines, everything comes down to the kind of application you need with a specific end goal to decide the proper stage. On the off chance that you are a startup, at that point, you ought to go for a local application stage. There are numerous naturally favorable circumstances that exceed the upsides of cross-stage applications. It is smarter to employ a designer and developer who has expertise in building up an application for your desired platform. 

3. Don't Over-highlight it: 

When new companies choose to build up a versatile application out of the blue, they influence a not-insignificant rundown of highlights to incorporate into the application. However, including a complete scope of highlights in the main form would not be a decent alternative for new companies. It will confound the clients, influencing them to dump your application and settle on your rival's application. Indeed, even it will make the application heavier and at last influence the stacking to speed slower. With your first form, your objective is to see the center speculation of your application and check whether the market will receive it or not. 

4. Not Considering Outsourcing: 

When it comes to the better use of cash, numerous new businesses frequently commit a typical error. They, by and large, surmise that outsourcing the advancement of their application can prompt the wastage of cash. Unexpectedly, outsourcing is a shrewd and financially savvy arrangement that additionally spares time. You may contact an engineer or outsource the app development to any organization. Regardless of whether you are building an iPhone application or going for Android app development for your Android clients, at that point in-house advancement can be very costly and also tedious. In any case, you can likewise enlist an easy application engineer who can build up your application within a settled due date. In the event that you pick any versatile application advancement organization, it is normal that they will convey the application with rich highlights of the time period and the financial plan. However, you should ensure that the organization should offer ease of use testing in staying away from conceivable outcomes of any bug in the application which can, thusly, prompt demolishing the client encounter. 

5. Overlooking the Application Showcasing: 

One of the most noticeably awful slip-ups you can make is to construct a helpful versatile application and neglect to advertise it. How would you hope to contact your gathering of people without an advertising procedure? Individuals may download your application in view of verbally, however, nothing works superior to a keen application advertising system. "A versatile application showcasing procedure can supplement a brand's disconnected ordeal (in-store extraordinary offers, for instance), drive internet business, or just assist interface a brand with its devoted clients."


As Think With Google clarifies, "Individuals download applications consistently, yet truly a considerable lot of them are relinquished or never at any point utilized." The mobile app biological system experiences poor maintenance. As indicated by Loyalitcs, "Across all businesses, 80% of all application clients stir inside 90 days." You can enhance maintenance through, in-application informing, push notices, individualization, commenting, and then some. On the off chance that you need to assemble a versatile application for your business, first, comprehend client needs and concentrate on the measurements that add to general application achievement. Once propelled, ponder application examination to enhance after some time. 

With the expanding utilization of innovation, the use of applications has expanded by numerous folds. The greater part of organisations, particularly new companies, are taking up versatile procedures keeping in mind the end goal to develop their business. It doesn't just help in business administration, yet additionally aids the showcasing of their administrations and in addition furnishes a decent interface to cooperate with the clients. 

Oliver Baker

Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.

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