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8 Secrets to Increase User Retention and Engagement in a Mobile Apps

We live in the era of mobile applications and more and more companies are taking advantage of the proximity they create to connect with their consumers.

Currently, the challenge of using applications is to connect with the emotions of the public, eager for new pleasant experiences. And the most advanced mobile app development companies in these technologies, are able to get to know the behaviour of the client and manage to interact in a much more effective way with it, thus increasing sales and the level of loyalty.

We at Intelivita find ourselves in a complex context in which the user is always less faithful, or better, he is loyal only to those who provide him with the best result with greater simplicity, quality and value. Losing traffic for apps is normal, staying with your hands and waiting for a raise is less. People who stop using an app are not limited to doing this, but they talk to their friends (advising them) and look for a replacement app (recommending it).

The hope is to learn from these users and to succeed in creating a virtuous circle able to generate trust, engagement and retention!

1. Create Value

Create a value proposition tailored to the needs of your audience. Your value proposition is the key reason why your customers choose you rather than your competitors. For this reason, identifying the right value proposition is essential for your business.

How to do? Listen to your audience and adapt to their needs.

Apple is famous for creating products that the end customer does not know he wants, but which he can not give up.

Ask your users what they did not like and what they would like to change within your app.Once you've gathered the answers, analyze them, and try to help your users get what they want through changes and updates within your app.

2. Create an Effective Onboarding

Offering a support service to users who use your app for the first time allows you to significantly impact the abandonment rate of your app. In addition, an effective onboarding strategy helps to increase the lifetime value of the user by 500%. To do this, there are several solutions:

  • Make the login and account creation process easier by reducing the number of steps you need to complete the registration or by offering multiple registration options
  • Do not overload the user with useless information. Instead, try to educate him on the main features of your app as the user tries to use it
  • It teaches through gestures and activities essential to improve the experience in the app

3. Engage Your Users

Customize your communication. Involving your users does not mean sending mass e-mails on a weekly or biweekly deadline, in this way you only risk reinforcing your user's perception of being just one number within a large group.Your user wants to be individually enhanced.

How to do it then? Your communication strategy that engages your user starts with three basic steps:

  1. Find out who your users are
  2. Segment them based on their needs and behaviour
  3. Determine which message you want to convey

Improve User Engagement in Your Mobile App

4. Support Your Users

An effective customer service strategy helps you eliminate the barriers that are created between you and your users and allows you to improve engagement through satisfactory services. To completely eliminate these barriers, however, it will be necessary:

  • Manage different communication channels. Allow your users to choose if they want to find the solution to their problem themselves (for example through an FAQ) or if they want to use a live chat.
  • Keep your user constantly updated on the process of solving their problem.

5. Make Decisions for Them

Creating an obstacle-free user experience is key to helping you reuse your app. An easy way to do this is to reduce the number of decisions a user is forced to make while using the app.

In the era of comfort and "all at once" the path chosen by people is the simplest one.

The idea, therefore, is to design an app that can reduce the number of decisions made by the user and find the answers he seeks automatically. An example is all those apps that at the opening are to indicate a preference for users to create the best possible experience for them.

Let's take a concrete example. Most of us use Netflix to watch movies and TV series. Remember what is the first question that Netflix asks its users when creating an account for the first time?
Ask the user to indicate their favourite movies, allows the application to identify the user's tastes and to recommend films and TV series in line with his tastes. In this way, the user experience is greatly facilitated, as is the involvement. The user will be intrigued by the advice received and will be prompted to view them constantly.

6. Build a Community of Enthusiasts

The social network, by itself, is not a community. Nor is it the fact that your users use these channels means that you have a community. Having a community means creating a place where your users can interact with you and your company in a simple and direct way.

7. Listen to Your Users Complaints and Take Action

Pretending that a problem does not exist has never helped anyone. Most companies are convinced that they offer the best to their users and, too often, refrain from listening to the complaints received.

Listening is only half the work. Some of the complaints received will need to be deepened and managed. Most of the dissatisfied users will simply go to the app of one of your competitors, some before doing so will tell you the reason, it is from here that you have to draw value.

Once the problem has been analyzed, the time has come to take action. Identify solutions that can solve the problem encountered by the user, experiment, and analyze the result. It is about triggering a process of continuous improvement with a single goal: to guarantee a better user experience!

8. Create Incentives

If you want to really create involvement and improve your retention rate, the best idea is to study a system of incentives that favour the re-use of your app. Studying specific rewards for those who perform certain mobile actions, access to exclusive content, coupons and special promotions will allow you to increase the conversion number and improve engagement.

Final Thoughts

Intelivita’s Mobile Application Developers have evolved the fact that user’s engagement during different processes in the interaction with brands and companies make the most attractive experiences in the most efficient, fast and traceable processes.

To achieve this type of results we must put ourselves in the shoes of the consumer.

That is to say, to think how we would like to speed up and/or improve a process, since our clients are the true engines of digital evolution in our organizations, in this case of the development of applications that improve their engagement.

Tuhin Bhatt

Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company with offices in the UK and India. He has expertise in Mobile Game, iOS, Android, AR and VR app technologies. With flawless command over mobile app development, Tuhin also has a passion to share his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. His write-ups are usually based on Technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.

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